Originally uploaded by me!
Head, meet Wall.
Funny how I can help clients to find a theme that works for them, but I can’t seem to find a theme that I like. Funny thing, it’s not like I’m asking for a lot (might actually be easier if I was). I just want a header that I can customize with a photo or three; a tw0-column format that doesn’t have a whole bunch of extra space on the sides, squishing all the content in the middle; and the ability to format with bullets and quotes and to post photos within the posts. Really, how difficult is that?
Work with me WordPress, work with me please.
PS – yeah, not a fan of this one, but it’ll do for a bit until I find something better. I loked a couple of the others better, but they didn’t bullet-format. Useless I tell ya!
Have you considered Thesis for WP? I just installed it on one of my other sites, and it couldn’t be more functional, or attractive. (You do have to pay for it, but it’s pretty much guaranteed not to break, and it’s infinitely customizable.)
Annas last blog post..happy nude year
Hi Anna, thanks for stopping by!!
You know, I was actually looking at Thesis the other day for one of my other blogs. Wimpy as it sounds, I just don’t think I’m ready to pay for a theme for this blog since it’s just for fun. And why I keep going crazy looking and looking for the PERFECT theme. It’s out there, I just know it is.
I’ve been thinking of switching to a three column. I so don’t dig my theme either!
Miss Attitudes last blog post..“It’s because we can just do it better than Britney”
I like this one — I know it’s not your fave – I hear that. But I like it. I’m of course in the middle of re-doing mine as well and it does drive one crazy!!
Sarahs last blog post..Halloween Is Big At My House
It’s hard being in that nebulous “I know how to describe what I want” space while not being sure how to make it appear on the page. I spent a while there before deciding on a designer. The right thing is out there, just waiting to be discovered.
Vanessas last blog post..Burning Bowl Ceremony
hi Vanessa! You’re right, I just know it’s out there. I actually like most things about my old theme…except it formatting photos and then the comments totally wonky. It was so close, yet not quite it.
Who knew that once you decided on a blog that it would then take so much more time later, when you want to change things up a little?! Maybe we can trade off…I’ll find you what you need and you find me what I need – LOL
why a three column? One left, one right or both on one side? Times like this I tell myself that I just suck it up and learn how to design something – LOL
I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve spent staring at themes… but finally I’ve found ones I like. I used to love two column themes, but now I’m much more fond of three column ones, since I find it easier to locate extra information closer to the top of the page. I’ve also spent a great deal of time staring at code. It’ll be nice to able to just blog like usual again soon. If i come across any nice themes, I’ll send ’em your way. 🙂
Phils last blog post..Trying on 2009 for size.
We have a three column on my other blog and I guess I like it. I just don’t like the dead space on the sides and a small “blog” window. I’ll keep looking though, eventually I’ll find something I like or can tweak. And yes, if you see something that might work, feel free to send it my way 😉
I totally forgot to mention this in my last comment, but there’s a cool-looking new program that designs themes and exports them expressly for WordPress. It’s called Artisteer (http://www.artisteer.com) and is $50. I’ve been wanting to get it for a while, but I’m still waiting for them to come out with a Mac version. It looks pretty sweet.
Phils last blog post..Trying on 2009 for size.
Very cool!! Of course, I need a Mac version as well – LOL