Recommendations Please…

Okay, I’m going to try this again and take a moment to get some specifics laid out.  I mentioned last week that I was looking for some “can’t live without it” products.    I even tried to tempt you with lovely gifts if you could help me.  Thing is, I didn’t get too many responses – not that I don’t appreciate the responses, I just figure that if I’m going to give something cool away, then I want there to be some competition going on (or I’d feel bad that 1 out of 3 won and the other 2 didn’t).

So we’ll try this again…

Right now, I’m working on a few things now we’re I’m contacting different vendors and companies for giveaway product and sponsorship (you have registered for the many contests, right?), and it got me thinking that maybe you, my loyal readers (even you, my lovely lurkers!) could help me come up with some new, or maybe something I haven’t yet thought of, products and companies to reach out to.

So I ask…what products do you use in and out of your home and office that you just love?  What can’t you live without?  What are you always recommending to friends and family?

  • favorite foods?
  • favorite cleaning products?
  • favorite bath products?
  • favorite toys or parenting things?
  • favorite clothes?
  • favorite makeup?
  • favorite office or computer tools or programs?
  • favorite authors?
  • favorite anything that you love and can’t live without
  • it can be one thing, it can be 50 things…whatever works for you

To tempt you to reply with as many cool things as possible, I’ll pick one person at random and give away a $10 Starbucks card and a secret, fun surprise (and more than likely unclaimed) item that I have here at the house – and trust me, there’s plenty of goodies hanging around this apartment that I had planned to eventually use for a CC contest, but haven’t gotten around to it yet — to say nothing of the many unclaimed prizes.

RULES: You may enter as many times as you wish and you’ll score entries (chances to win) as outlined below:

  • I’ll give you one entry/chance to win for every comment with at least 3 products listed
  • I’ll give you one more entry/chance to win if you tweet this (be sure to leave the tweet link in a comment)
  • And one more entry/chance to win if you repost (leave the repost link in a comment)
  • And TWO more extra chances to enter to win if you leave a comment telling me what charity for women and/or children that you support in addition to your favorite products
  • This will remain open until next Wednesday, 3/4 (midnight, PST) I’ve extended the deadline

Thanks in advance for ALL your help!

Remember to go to the original post to leave your comments (they’re turned off on this post).