As a childless-by-choice couple, we indulge our fur-babies quite a bit. We spoil them with special toys, special food and snacks, special furniture, you name it. I don’t regret it one bit. I love our boys and wouldn’t trade them for anything (though I’d love for a little girl so I’m not so alone in this testosterone-driven house).
Having just spent the past thirty or so minutes hand sewing my little guy’s favorite toys back together (while he intently watches every in and out of the needle from beside me) I just can’t help but wonder…am I just a cheapskate that wants to get my money’s worth out of his plush toys? Or am just so in love with little guy and the joy gets from playing with his favorite plush toys that I’ll do anything for him to be happy?
So I ask…cheapskate or demonstration of love? But really, could you say no to this face?