Frozen Devil Dogs & Seedless Grapes

What more could a post-vacation, tired gal ask for? It’s helped to make this day of catching up on work emails and commitments bearable.

With that, I realize it’s been far too long since I’ve expressed any sort of gratitude here in my blog lately. So here goes it…

  • I am so happy and grateful that I am able to experience all that life throws my way and then look back shortly thereafter and see the gifts that the experience truly was (and is).  Mind you, I’d much rather experience the forward movement without the hellish pain, but hey, a gift is a gift, right?
  • I am so happy and grateful that I was able to sleep in my own bed surround by my boys for the first time in four days.  I really do miss those guys when we’re gone.  Though I did, for the first time in probably four years sleep closer to my husband than ever before without those darling furballs hogging up the bed.
  • I am so happy and grateful that we’ve got such mild weather here in LA right now.  Being in Jersey, in nearly 100 degree days, in that God awful humidity…well, I just don’t miss those days.
  • I am so happy and grateful that this weekend’s visit with my brother and his family went so well.  I was quite pleasantly surprised (again – last time being our wedding) how much I enjoyed visiting with him.
  • I am so happy and grateful that I have such a loving and supporting husband that allows me to do the kind of work that brings me joy.  It has truly been a blessing.
  • I am so happy and grateful that my husband has taken the rest of this week off from work (well, except for when he’s not off and he’s well, at work).  I really like having him around.
  • I am so happy and grateful that things are moving along so well with my work.  I’ve got a great support season and they’re never shy about sharing their brilliant thoughts, ideas and suggestions.
  • I am so happy and grateful that I went back to Jersey and was able to share it with my husband.  When I left, I swore I’d never go back.  But really, I’m so glad I did.  This was a great visit.  And OMG, how could I have ever forgotten about diners and gravy fries!!!!  And Devil Dogs, did I mention the Devil Dogs???
  • I am so happy and grateful that I have such great friends, both online and off, both in state and out of state.  Really, friends are just the best!  Like right up there with Devil Dogs kind of best!
  • And lastly, I am so happy and grateful that I can mark my 1000+ Reader posts as read.  Man, that’s just too much to even think about catching up on.

5 thoughts on “Frozen Devil Dogs & Seedless Grapes

  1. sizzle

    I would SO mark 1000+ posts as READ. Totally. It’d be too overwhelming! Glad you had a good visit and are back home safe.

  2. LA Blogger Gal

    Hiya Siz!  It is good to be back home (and not melting!)  Funny thing, that’s how the Reader actually showed it “1000+” – I didn’t even get an accurate count.

  3. Dawn

    I have been very tempted to mark my 1000+ “read” too. But then I know I will be bored so I’m wading my way through them. Not actually reading them *all* but skimming & stopping to actually read anything that cacthes my eye. I feel challenged now. I want to see if I can actually defeat the 1000+

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