What the Hell, it’s February Already?

The longest
Image by dhammza via Flickr

Where did January go?  Maybe it would seem a bit more like February if we actually had had some cooler January temperatures.  Seriously, 80 degrees in January?!?!  There’s just something seriously wrong with that.  Especially when the rest of the country is dealing with crazy cold temperatures, snow and ice.

Well, I guess I just need to suck it up and welcome dear February.  The good thing about new months, is that it gives you permission to try something new.

Thanks to my bloggie friend and fellow Masterminder, Sarah (otherwise known as  Mar Vista Mom),  I have decided that for the entire month of February (give or take a day or two) I’ll be spending all my time and energy working on my website…not my personal blog, not my business blog or consulting clients, but on my community, its blog and the various ongoing contests.

This is big for me.  For the first time in a long time I feel more in control of things.  For so long now I’d been feeling like I was being pulled in too many different directions and I was never sure what I should be focusing on.  Sarah suggested that I allot a certain amount of time (be it days or weeks, or a particular day of the week, or week of the month, or whatever) and focus exclusively on one thing at a time.  If something pops up – and I’m sure it will since I’ll be doing my best to ignore whatever I’m not working on – I’ll write it down and get to it later.

This is perfect for me.  Why couldn’t I see this myself and figure it out?  Probably because I was too caught up in what seemed to be massive feelings of overwhelm (with possibly a hint of fear thrown in for good avoidance).  This my friends is why you need a good network of friends!

Of course, it means I’ll need to still created at least 4 posts for my business blog since I don’t want that to sit dormant for too long.  But I can do that.  In fact, my goal for today is to address the specific things that aren’t related to the site such as our taxes, phone calls, and those previously mentioned blog posts.

Here’s hoping it all works out the way I’m hoping for.  Wish me luck!

So what have you been avoiding that you could spend some time focusing on this month?

3 thoughts on “What the Hell, it’s February Already?

  1. Sarah

    How cool, Katy! I’m glad to know that our conversation resonated with you. I agree that a good network of friends is very important. I’m so pleased to be considered part of yours because you’re for sure part of mine!

  2. emmajames

    Um… What if I excel at avoiding everything? Harumph. 1) Laundry – I could focus on doing it BEFORE I run out of underwear. 2) Finding a new health insurance provider. 3) Outlining my next script. 4) Balancing my checkbook. 5) Getting my moles checked… The list goes on…

    How utterly daunting. But hell, you’ve inspired me. Look forward to checking in with you in 28 days having read your plethora of February posts and able to say I’ve accomplished at least half of the things I’ve been avoiding.

    Focus, focus, focus…

    emmajamess last blog post..Most Pleasurables: January 2009

  3. emmajames

    Um… What if I excel at avoiding everything? Harumph. 1) Laundry – I could focus on doing it BEFORE I run out of underwear. 2) Finding a new health insurance provider. 3) Outlining my next script. 4) Balancing my checkbook. 5) Getting my moles checked… The list goes on…

    How utterly daunting. But hell, you've inspired me. Look forward to checking in with you in 28 days having read your plethora of February posts and able to say I've accomplished at least half of the things I've been avoiding.

    Focus, focus, focus…

    <abbr>emmajamess last blog post..Most Pleasurables: January 2009</abbr>

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