I’m beginning to realize that I have the coolest job out there…being a blogger and all that. I get free stuff to try out and write about. I get invites to very cool parties (that I rarely actually get around to attending). And now, I got approached by a producer for Lifetime TV! Yes, you read that right…producers from Lifetime contacted me!*
No, they don’t want me to be a guest on one of their shows or to be in one of Nora Robert’s next movies (I just love her books!). But they are hoping that I can help them find some SoCal folks with some secrets that might be willing to share.
It seems quite cool. It’s for a new, prime-time, docu-styled, non-exploitative show where people are asked to tell their stories and share their secrets. They are seeking willing men and women who have kept a secret close to their heart and now would like to reveal the truth to someone who will be significantly impacted by your revelation.
Right now, they’re looking for two specific secrets…
- the Secret Crush – Do you have a secret crush on someone that you work with or have known for a long time? Are you ready to tell them? They’re looking for someone who has been crushing on someone for quite sometime…someone they know that knows them but doesn’t have a clue about the secret.
- keeping secrets from your spouse/partner/family – Are you a shopaholic who has run up your credit cards and fears telling your husband? Are you a compulsive gambler and it has now affected your family finances or relationships? You need to be willing to come clean and get things fixed (with the help from their staff).
The act of sharing your secret could help both you and others and it may allow you to find peace and closure. You and the person you are telling, will be supported through the process and will not feel alone in dealing with your revelation. They assure me that they are experiences in honoring sensitive and intimate stories (hello, they’re Lifetime for peet’s sake!) and they’re not interested in any revelation that would exploit you or others.
You can contact them directly via email or you can show up at an open casting call this Saturday, April 25th at Space Station Casting Studio, 1258 N. Highland Ave. (Corner of Highland and Fountain) from noon – 5:00PM.
So don’t worry, you won’t be sharing sharing your secret here in LA Blogger Gal Land for all the world to read. In fact, aside from this post, I’m completely out of the loop and will having nothing to do with anything. This was all just done as a favor.
Although I wouldn’t be offended if I was offered a +1 to a Tori and Dean party or something similarly cool as a thank you 😉
* Granted, it’s not Oprah (not everyone can be like my good pal, Sarah, over at Mar Vista Mom), but it’s still pretty damn cool if you ask me!