I received the most interesting phone call the other day. Out of the blue I received a phone call about a job. Now that might not seem like a big deal, but I haven’t worked out of the home (not on my website, that is) for just over two years.
I haven’t even been looking for work for nearly two years now. I still have no idea how she found me, or even why she thought to give me a call (considering the caller herself said that I was over-qualified).
Since one of my focuses during this challenge right now is to bring in additional income from multiple sources and since I’m open to whatever the Universe might provide, I’m not the least bit surprised. In particular, I’m considering leaning towards doing some non-profit sort of work.
So again, I’m just loving this challenge and all the many things that are showing up in my life. Too cool!
* I am so happy and grateful now that our business is doing so well and earning $3000+ a month through multiple sources of revenue.
* I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis, for the good of all involved.
Hey I’ve bookmarked your site. I searched for Bob Proctor’s affirmation and here it is. I am going to follow your blog and also start my own 30 day challenge.
Shwin, glad to have you around and good for you for starting your own challenge. So how is it going?