Must Blog. No Energy.

I had a blogging presentation with a group of Beverly Hills mom-prenueurs (and you know how I hate that term!). Overall, things went quite well. I also noticed that having a pricing chart made things much easier since the ladies where able to see what the different packages entail when it comes to beginner blogging. Nice.

Then I started feeling the twitches of a migraine trying to work it’s way through. I crashed for an hour thinking it might help, but I still feel it niggling about. Hopefully some food will help.

Remember a while back I briefly mentioned some varmints in our ceiling or floor in the (what would be the) dining room? Well, that’s actually what woke me from my nap. Turns out now they’re scratching away at the wall in our bedroom. I guess I need to let the landlords know.

Okay, off now to find food. Return one of the shirts I bought for the hubster. Find an affordable & cute black patent purse (dammit!) for the wedding in June. Track down some pretty petal shoe-thingies. Don’t be surprised if I come home with some new makeup. I’m just in that sort of mood!  Tift Merrit show at the Troubador tonight.  Woohoo!

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