Today is the Day

Later today the little guy goes for his doggy sleepaway camp interview. I’m so nervous. I was asked over dinner last night if I was one of those dog moms. You know, the way over the top kind of moms? I might have been slightly offended, but then I realized that no, I’m honestly not one of those moms.

I think I’m just nervous because well, I want this to work. This place seems cool and is much more fun and accommodating compared to our regular boarder. At his regular place, he just has an outdoor run and doesn’t really get to socialize with any other dogs and I doubt the owner goes outside to visit all that much. But, he loves it there. He goes crazy as soon as we turn the corner and is so happy and jumpy when the owner opens the door. But his regular place is really, really strict about pick up and drop off times (between 8:00 and 9:00 AM only!). And well, those of you that know me, know that that’s way too early for us, but we do it.

This new place is open 9:00 to 9:00. It’s free reign with crazy pups everywhere. It’s staffed 24-hours so there’s always a human looking over things. It’s half indoors and half outdoors – with misters when it gets hot and heat when it gets cold (this is huge since his old place is just outdoors with nothing and well we typically have over 100 degree summers and our winter nights can get down in the 30’s). They also have webcams where you can check out your little one to see what’s going on – 24 hours. And if you were one of those moms (or quite possibly in this case, dads), you can call and they’ll get your little one and bring him to the phone. How fun is that?!?!

So yeah, we’re really hoping he does well at his interview. I think this would be a much more enjoyable experience for him. Especially when we’re gone to Ireland in November. I just hope and pray he doesn’t snap at anyone while he’s there. Feel free to send some good vibes our way around 2:00PM Pacific time.


Okay, enough of that. The past couple of days I’ve been on a bit of a cleaning kick. First my closet and a couple of drawers. Then the back room/office (we’ve since been drinking us some wine!) And yesterday it was the bathroom. I finally cleaned the glass doors in the shower. Man, what a huge difference that makes! I also finally managed to vacuum. I’d been putting it off because I kept telling myself that I was going to get a cleaning lady (I still am, at some point). But I just couldn’t take it any more. I won’t freak you out by telling you just how full the Dyson canister was with cat hair – just remember it’s shedding season. But really, things look quite lovely! I think today I might even go on stain patrol in the living room.

Today’s focus will be on stopping my eyes from this damn allergy-induced tearing; shaking what seems to be a migraine before it evolves; writing up some blog posts for my site (though I can’t seem to think of any particular topics right now – any suggestions?); writing a professional review for a friend that’s up for an entreprenurial award; sending out some author interview questions; and doing some more basic cleaning here in the office. Here’s hoping that it all goes as planned.

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