I’m Just Going to Have to Suck it Up

For the past week or so, my Google Reader has been on over-drive.  It’s not that there’s any more posts than usual to read – though thanks to Twitter, I have found some new blogs to follow.  It’s  more that I just haven’t really had the time or the desire to catch up.

Currently, I have over 450 posts sitting there begging to be ignored read.  And well, I just don’t think I can swing it.  I’m thinking that I’m just going to have to suck it up and just mark them all as read.  I’m sure I’ll most a lot of good biz-friendly stuff since that’s what more than half of it consists of.  But I can’t deal with the pressure and then the guilt of staring at those numbers day after day.

Consider them marked as read…

*whew* now we can start over again!

4 thoughts on “I’m Just Going to Have to Suck it Up

  1. Carrie S.

    I don’t know why I always have tremendous guilt when I have to mark blogs as read, when they aren’t. But I do. And I have to do it right now too!

  2. LA Blogger Gal

    Carrie – I think I might have to thin some of my biz blogs down.  I believe I have nearly 100 feeds there and they’re usually the ones I put off reading until the number just freaks me out.  I think biz bloggers should only blog once a day…make it easier on us poor readers 😉

  3. Dawn

    I am systematically working my way through my Google Reader. I don’t know why I insist on being stubborn but I just can’t make myself hit that “mark all as read” button. I am not necessarily reading them all but I am scanning, reading anything that calls my attention & marking things off as I go. I am making progress. I am below 100 now. =P I swear, you miss a couple of days on Google Reader & the entire blogosphere multiplies like bunnies in Spring. But heaven forbid I am bored & waiting for someone to post.

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