BlogHer Here I Come!!!

Well, I leave tomorrow, but same thing.  I mean I don’t know if I’ll have time to post something before I go tomorrow since I have to drop the pupster off before heading out.  And today, man, well today I still have a list of things to do…deal with our newspaper subscription (neither one of us recalls the login info), return to cient calls, write some blog posts for my other sites, get the contest up on my other site, and book my airport shuttle.  Oh yeah, and pack.

I guess I better check the forecast before I start throwing clothes in the suitcase.  Since I’ll be inside most of the day, I’m thinking that longish-sleeve tops would be fine.  And outside of the one casual dress for Thursday’s newbie event, I’ve decided to stick with a darkwash pair of jeans and call it a day.  I might wear sandals during the day, but throw my walking flats into my backpack in case I need to head out into the city.

Believe it or not, my biggest question is which jewelry to take since I have two longish silver necklaces that I love (and need to polish).  Guess I should also dig up my wedding ring too since I rarely wear that.  Hmmm..maybe I should ask for a new band for our 5th since this one is hollow and digs in a bit – but any bigger and it would be too big.

I’m also really excited that I got my Flip video camera.  I might put up a quick video tomorrow sometime.  It’s great fun to play with.  I look forward to asking various bloggers to give me a burning blogging answer to share with my biz blog readers.

And now it’s back to packing.  I expect to still be around and maybe sending out a tweet from time to time.  But I doubt I’ll be carrying my laptop with me to the event (since I’m not in the same hotel).  So don’t expect any quality blogging in my absence.

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