Wanna Know, Just Ask Away

I was poking around my stats today and saw a new incoming link that I hadn’t noticed before.  One of my bloggy friends (that I don’t participate with often enough), Ami of Writing: My Life, is inviting her readers to ask her questions.  I thought that sounded like fun, so following along, I’m going to invite you to play along and do the same.

I know that I have much more readers and subscribers than I folks that actually leave comments.  Well, here is your chance to delurk, say hello and ask me that burning (or not-so-burning) question.  If there’s something you’ve ever wondered about me or my antics, or maybe you need an update on something I never did get around to following up on, then have at it…ask away!

With luck and a little focus, my goal will be to answer each question in a different post.  This could be fun, dont’cha think?  Feel free to play along on your blog as well.

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