Let’s Get Shallow: Making Time for Personal Care

I don’t know about you, but sometimes, time just seems to get away from me.  Heck, sometimes LIFE seems to get away from me.  One minute and I’m on track and working my butt off.  All is good.  The next minute I look in the mirror and I’m a mess.

How did I let that happen?

I know we hear all the time that we should remember to make time for ourselves. You know what they say, if mama ain’t happy, ain’t no body happy. But I tend to think of all that as making exercise or yoga, or meditation or whatever a priority. You know, remembering to work free time into your schedule. Not getting a haircut or getting my brows done.

Well, I don’t have much of a problem working free time into my schedule (the joy of running your own business). I remember to schedule time to visit with my friends and colleagues. I even manage to remember to take a vacation day or sick day from time to time.

Apparently, what I can’t seem to remember is to get a haircut, touch up color or fix my brows. It’s bad enough I cut (not trimmed…CUT!) my own bangs a couple weeks ago.

Man, when did I become such a sight?

For the past couple of weeks, I kept telling myself that I would just get it all taken care of before school starts up again. You know, before I have to get back into the public eye. But judging from the look of the alternatively colored hairs I’m seeing popping up, I don’t think I can wait much longer. Let alone wait another 3-4 weeks.

The good news, at least for me, is that I do my own color. So I just needed to run out to the nearest CVS and pick up a box of Fabulous Brunette #5 and get to work on those unruly brows while I’m waiting and I’ll be good to go.

Good thing too since we leave later this afternoon for a business meeting down San Diego way. So all this self-care stuff got me thinking…I can’t be the only one here. What do you tend to let go of or put off when you get busy? Or are you the type of person that keeps all your self-care and maintenance scheduled at all times?

I just need to schedule a facial and an adjustment and my self-care, remember to take time out for me time is complete.

3 thoughts on “Let’s Get Shallow: Making Time for Personal Care

  1. LA Blogger Gal

    I never did get around to doing any of this. I mean none, nothing, nada. I went to a weekend full of business meetings with too much grey showing for my tastes and no mascara to even fake a cover up. Embarrassing.

  2. LA Blogger Gal

    I never did get around to doing any of this. I mean none, nothing, nada. I went to a weekend full of business meetings with too much grey showing for my tastes and no mascara to even fake a cover up. Embarrassing.

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