Best Laid Plans and All That

So here I was Friday, posting about how important it is to remember to put ourselves first and focus on some self-care.  Would you believe that I never actually got around to any of that?

See, I wrote that post on Thursday so I could be free to run all my pre-out of town errands on Friday.  Next thing I know, I’m heading home from dropping the dog off at the boarders for his sleep away camp (man, he loves this place!) and my husband calls to tell me that he’ll be home shortly. Um, at that point, I hadn’t even packed our overnight bag.

So yeah, not only did I go to not one, but two extended business meetings (one in Temecula and one here in LA on Sunday), with embarrassing grey-studded hair, but I also never really got around to taking care of my brows.  Heck, I was rushing to pack our bag that I even forgot to pack mascara and the shampoo and conditioner.  At least if I’d have had mascara I could temporarily cover those grey hairs.

How embarrassing.  The good news, it was pulled back into a ponytail, so for the most part, it wasn’t visible.

Needless to say, I’m not so sure I can wait until right before classes begin for all this.  In fact, I’m thinking I need to book things ASAP.

And write my damn syllabus already!


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