Or at least the fires are gone in our neck of the woods. Meaning no more nuclear, mushroom cloud and ash all about. It was a pretty big fire. I think the biggest one I’ve experienced since living here (though not the closest).

The view from my front yard a week into it.
According to the news, the Station Fire has burned over 160,000 acres and is still, two weeks later only 71% contained. And of course, as sadly seems to be the case, it was arson. The estimated cost to fight this fire is over $77 million.
You can still see the smokey cloud as you head out towards Pasadena, but it’s nice to know that everyone I knew in the affected areas are safe and back in their homes. Driving up in La Canada still smells quite bad and many of the small businesses are really suffering.
Sadly, this is just the beginning of our fire season. We need some el Nino rains ASAP.