Or would that be they sure can no-cook?
Today at my nearby Pavillions grocery store, local Mommy Bloggers (just writing that makes me cringe a little, but hey, it’s a niche, and I can respect that) got together for a no-cook cook-off. Basically, they had ten minute to shop, $25 to spend on groceries and then 25 minutes to cook. I was there to show support for my favorite LA mommy blogger, Mar Vista Mom/Sarah Auerswald.
I have to say, Pavillions really had it together. They added a few colorful touches at our normally, well organized and quite clean store, washed the ladies’ shopping carts down (or so my favorite express checker told me) and otherwise, put their best foot forward. They had big wigs in from the main Safeway home office as well as from our nearby Vons home office.
They set the ladies up outside and thankfully, it was a gorgeous day out today. Tara, the “lifestyle expert” (sorry, I didn’t catch more than that) they got to emcee the cook off was awesome. She really kept up the banter during the 25 minutes of cooking time. I love how in the end, while the judges were tasting everything and scoring the meals, all the ladies were passing around what they made and tasting their own meals. No competition there 😉
All in all, it was great fun.
Check it out some of the photos…

Let the Shopping Begin!

Why Yes, There Was A Lot of Rotisserie Chicken Being Used

Peel That Onion Sarah, Then Chop, Chop, Chop!

Don't Those BBQ Sliders Look Yummy?

Bloggers On iPhones...Imagine That?!?! Tweet Tweet!

They're All Winners (though @eshachory in the middle won the big prize!)
I don’t have all the bloggers names and links that participated, but here are a few of their Twitter accounts: @SAuerswald @eshachory @coupongals @jessicagottlieb @yvonneinla – you can take it from there. They all said they’d be posting their recipes at some point, so be sure to follow along or pick up a copy of the Daily LA sometime next week.
Update: here are the bloggers that participated -> Coupon Gal, Yvonne in LA, YumGloss, Sarah Auerswald, Jessica Gottlieb, the LA Examiner article
These are great photos Katy! It was a blast! A cross between Supermarket Sweep and Top Chef! I’m so glad you came to watch the craziness — and so glad your Pavilions got all gussied up, too!
.-= Sarah´s last blog ..Mar Vista Beware: Venice Blvd. Closure This Sunday 10/4 =-.
Oh my gosh! Thank you for coming out yesterday. I know people hate the term “mommy blogger” but to be completely fair, two dads were invited and couldn’t make it. 🙁
Also, really…. what else would I call myself?
.-= Jessica Gottlieb´s last blog ..Quick Hit: Poor Tom Keller =-.
Glad you liked the photos Sarah. I hope you’re able to use them.
LOL – please don’t take offense at my dislike over “mommy blog.” I just have a thing about separating women as I think it often causes tensions with the whole mom vs non-mom. And that’s not always a good thing. It would have been cool to see some dads up there. Just like it’s cool to see “daddy bloggers” (ugh, again!) at BlogHer. Either way, it was a fun event to watch.
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