I think SNL has been pretty hit or miss lately, but this skit crapped me up. And of course it doesn’t help that they’re both cuties.
I think SNL has been pretty hit or miss lately, but this skit crapped me up. And of course it doesn’t help that they’re both cuties.
OK, ok, I give in, SNL. That's hilarious.
I have a secret crush on Michael Buble. I’m not a huge fan of his music, per se, but I love his personality. I feel the same way about Josh Grobin. Both guys are so funny and aren’t afraid to laugh at themselves an I love that.
I'll admit it, I have a soft spot for Michael Buble. I can't say that I'm a great fan of his music, but I love his sense of humor and his willingness to laugh at himself. He puts on a good show with both his music and his humor. I feel the same way about Josh Grobin…not a fan of the music (at all), but I love how much he enjoys a good joke and has no problems laughing at himself.