

I’ve noticed that when I seem to have a lot going on (or when I seem to be under some sort of pressure or stress), that I clench my jaw.  Usually at some point notice and force myself to relax my jaw, but by then it’s usually too late anyway.  And yes, I’ve noticed that I’m clenching again.  But hey, at least my eyes aren’t twitching this time around 😉

I’m on the verge of moving forward into a new business, so to speak.  I’m only in the research, let’s talk about it phase, but I’m quite excited.  Part of what makes me so excited (and probably has to do with the stress as well) is that this will essentially be my first business venture that isn’t accidental.  Meaning, it’s the first business venture that I’ll be starting willingly, and properly and won’t just be riding the waves of what comes my way after being in the right place at the right time, like before.  So yes, pretty exciting.

How does stress or pressure seem to present itself to you?  What’s your favorite activity (or lack of activity) to help to alleviate the seeming stress? I’m thinking this week – crazy busy that it is – might be the perfect time for a pedicure break.

2 thoughts on “Must.Stop.Clenching.My.Teeth.Now

  1. Michelle

    When I’m stressing out my patience level diminishes greatly. When I speak I get a little more snappish. I have to think to remind myself “I’m stressing out but it’s no reason to be rude to other people, this is just making it all worse.” If I just focus on not snapping at people and just getting through what I need to get through, it tends to take my mind off of whatever it is I’m stressing over…this is especially how I handle it at work.

    I don’t stress too much at home, but when life in general sucks I know I handle it in unhealthy ways; I like my comfort foods. When I get overwhelmed, I tend to park my butt somewhere and inwardly panic and just not do a bloomin’ thing even though I should be up doing something. Not the best ways to handle it, but I’m trying to work on it.

    Michelles last blog post..I feel like I should make up for this recent discovery by eating a second chocolate bar

  2. emma james

    I do the same thing, constantly. I’ve been told to consciously lay my tongue at the base of my mouth whenever I’m aware of clenching my jaw or grinding my teeth. It works. So does a massage or mani/pedi but for some idiotic reason health insurance doesn’t cover either.

    emma jamess last blog post..Pleasure Bouquets: Modest Desire

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