Category Archives: love

Does He Have a Good Eye or What?

Last week, as you may recall, the hubs was in Austin for SXSW.  While out at night, running between gigs, he passed this gallery.  He said he actually stopped and pulled out his camera to take a picture of the painting below – he said it reminded him of me and my friend and former roommate back in NM.  He thought so much of it, he actually took a picture of the stores contact info so we could track it down.


The artist is Kathy Womack.  The above painting is part of the Women & Wine collection.  As a mother of three she lives vicariously through the women in her paintings.  Her paintings are just gorgeous and I can’t seem to look away from the above image – though her other paintings are beautiful and engaging as well.

I really wish we had an extra room (with plenty of wall space) to get one of her paintings.  She even made plates out of the images – so cool and what I’d be asking for for my birthday if we had some place to store them.

Three Hours and Counting…

And the hubster will be home!!!

You really do forget how much you think about something until it’s gone.  I’ve done a great job of booking both my days and my evenings so I’d be busy while he’s gone.  Of course, sometimes this meant that we weren’t able to talk much, but there’s always the simplicity of an I love you text.

But dammit, he’s been gone long enough!  He should be arriving in Phoenix any minute now hopefully, since the connection is also delayed a bit he’ll have just enough time to call me and maybe enjoy a beer or two.  But Mr. PilotMan, bring me my husband please!  No hanging about delaying things.  No dilly-dallying.  Just point things LA-bound and fly away home.  Please.

Crazy in Love!

You know you’re still crazy in love, when expecting the hubby home from work early, you spot a green car (complete with bird droppings) parked right outside and your heart does a jump for joy!  You then run out the door ready to jump into his arms only to realize that it’s not his car afterall.


Too much Jane Austin for this girl…

Hello, My Name is LA Blogger Gal…

And I’m addicted to bath and body products!

I'm a Bath & Body Product Whore

I’m not partial to just one product. I’m more than willing to share the love (and the money). That said, if I bought it, I love it! Or well, I just wouldn’t have wasted my money on it. It’s that simple.

My latest favorite find…Klean Bath & Body! I was introduced to the line through Ladies Who Launch – the owner is one of our local members. She was having a leap year sale and well, I lept! I was even lucky enough to meet with the brains and the nose behind the product.

This is some great stuff. So far I’ve only used my Ginger & Tea soap and body spray and the shea butter, but man, they’re great. My bathroom smelled like Ginger & Tea all day long – which we all know is better than what it could smell like! Next up, the pomegranate & fig soap – it smells divine in the bottle, so I can only imagine that it will smell beyond divine on me! 🙂

So check Klean out, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. For what it’s worth, I hear great things about the body scrubs!! 😉 If you decide to give them a whirl (you won’t be sorry) tell them that I sent you!

On an slightly related note…I just love the design of her website. So clean and zen. Very cool.

Being Sick Sucks

There’s no other way to say it.  I don’t know how I ever did it when I held down a 9-5 job, or even crazier, when I was a teacher and my kids regularly got me sick.

I broke down and went to the doctor yesterday.  Mostly because my teeth hurt.  Yes, I said my teeth.  Turns out (surprise, surprise) whatever I caught seems to have mutated into a sinus infection.  The sinus pressure was so bad that even my teeth were hurting.  So much so that I wasn’t even able to sleep the previous night.

Lucky for me, my doctor is absolutely awesome.  She got me right in and gave me the wonder drugs.  So now, merely one day after taking my meds and I already feel better.  Better still, the horrible sinus pressure and aching teeth have ceased.  So now I’m just dealing with explosive sneezes (the kind that make you pee and hurt your throat – TMI, sorry) and that nasty cough.

The plus side…I get tons of soup!!  We first went to Jerry’s on Saturday for the official Jewish Penicillin – man that place is crazy expensive!  Then I moved on to chicken tortilla at Islands (the best!).  Had won ton soup with hot mustard from Frontier Wok on Sunday to help clear sinuses (it didn’t work).  Then yesterday I made my own pot of (kick ass – if I do say so myself) chicken noodle.  We’ll probably have some leftovers tonight since I still don’t feel like cooking anything else.

Okay, no one really wants to read about the trials and tribulations of someone’s illness so instead I’ll talk about something totally cool…when I went to visit my dad, I made sure I brought some of the important family documents home with me. So I now have, in my grubby little, germy hands,  my great-grandmother’s birth certificate (in Latin), her baptism certificate (in Hungarian), and her Ellis Island paperwork, along with other too cool for school family documents.  I think it’s so fascinating to see how the spelling of the family names changes from document to document.  If only our scanner would upgrade to leopard compatibility already I’d show you just how cool it is.

And finally, tomorrow, I’ll be able to participate in my first Wordless Wednesday in God only knows how long.  I’m so excited by this, you have no idea.  It’s the simple things I tell ya.

Self-Love Day 2008 – Get Outta the Gutter!

It’s not that kind of self-love! Snackiepoo over at Snackie’s World has something entirely different in mind: “No more “how much do I love thees”… rather ask yourself the question, “how much do I love ME?” Even if you have someone on this special day, take the time to think about yourself, list your good qualities, have some positive perspective on who you are and treat yourself better than you ever have.”



1.) Post one of them there banners on your blog and declare February 14th as the day you not only love your one and only, but the day that you love yourself!
2.) Post at least, one nice thing about yourself……then ask others to post one thing that they really like about you.

3.) Enjoy yourself and have an awesome day!



Here are three things that I like about myself…1) I’ve been told that I have enviable eyebrows (even if I seem to be a bit of a compulsive plucker), 2) I love to smile, especially at kids and pets, but I’m pretty friendly to strangers as well and 3) I will do almost anything for a friend – and if you’re a really good friend, I’m sure that almost line is quite blurry 😉

Well, since all but one of you only know me through this blog only, I can’t expect any deep thoughts here, but hey…anything you might like share about what you might like about me? What about yourself?  Share those likes!

Is it Wrong to Love a Trash Can?

If it is, then I’m just so wrong!

I got tired the other day of coming home time and again to find out that the dog (and his partner in crime, the cat) were getting into the trash.   If (and this is a big if), if I remembered to fully close the closet door, we were fine.  Sadly, that didn’t account for the hubster remembering to secure the door.  It also didn’t account for the fact that more often than not, the trash was over-flowing. I’ve now realized that it was so often over-flowing due to the poor design of the container.

So after 1) the pupster devouring an entire chicken carcass (this was a couple weeks ago – no ill side-effects) and 2) picking up the trash far too many times for my taste, I broke down and headed out to the mecca, Bed, Bath & Beyond.  As much as I love those shiny Simple Human cans, I just couldn’t bring myself to spend the money – especially not knowing if it would even fit in the little utility closet we have.  So instead, I picked up one of their less expensive, plastic versions.  With a lock!!!  Yes, it has a little lever you can slide to actually LOCK the lid so certain little, four-legged household members would be deterred.

Needless to say, I love my new trash can.  I mean, I full on, puffy-heart, l.o.v.e. the stupid thing.   The lock, what a joy!  The shape, is perfect.  Not only does it actually hold our trash (meaning it can hold a full week’s worth of garbage, not a mere couple of days worth like the other piece of shit can we were using), but the design seems to stop the little guy in his tracks (at least for now).

Who knew a simple trash can would make my day?

What a Way to Start the Day

5:00Am this morning the phone rings.  I answer it, no one there.  I turn over, it rings again.  I realize from the caller ID that it’s a GA call.  Uh oh.  I answer it. It was one of my dad’s neighbors.  My dad was just taken to the hospital.  Needless to say, there was nothing I could do since it would be hours until anyone would be able to give me an answer.

I finally, 2 hours later, fall asleep after my mind is spinning and spinning in every which direction.  First attempt, he’s still in ER and hasn’t been admitted.  The operator transfers me, the ER gal transfers me and after 2 or so minutes of ringing, I hang up and start again.  This time I get a gal in ER and she tells me that he’s being admitted and he’s okay, but she can’t tell me more over the phone.  I explain that I’m in CA and there’s no other option but to do it over the phone.  She double-checks and finds out that he’s admitted upstairs.  I get transfered.

The 3rd floor nurses station answers and transfers me to his room.  He sounds fine (though it’s a very fuzzy connection).  Turns out he had a neurological stroke of sorts that took place in the part of his brain that controls balance.  He doesn’t know much more as he hasn’t yet seen a doctor.  So I have to call back towards the end of the day to see if we can get any answers.

What a horrible way to wake up.  And what a horrible feeling.  It’s not like I can just pick up and head over there (I tried a while back to get a last minute flight for my maternal grandfather’s funeral and it was over $1000).  Toss all this in with the waves of guilt for not being able to take care of him (or in his case, throw money at his problems that still wouldn’t fix anything – long story) and I’m just all in a funk.  Is it any wonder that I have a migraine coming on?

So Much to Do

Ahhh, where to begin.  Well, I guess for starters I can say that I saw Sissy Spacek last night.  Actually, we were heading out to see her daughter at the Hotel Cafe, so it wasn’t a surprise.  Our friend would have introduced us, but we figured as cool as it might be, that it just wasn’t really worth it since she was busy.  So that’s my latest celeb sighting.  We have another show to catch tonight (Grace Potter) out at the Troubadour.  This one the hubster will be shooting.  In which case, I’ll be hanging back in some out of the way corner by the bar like I usually do.

And speaking of the hubs,  he’s working from home these next two days.  While I love having him around, and we really do co-exist pretty well without driving each other crazy, I um, well, never seem to get much done.  Today was the day I’d planned to vacuum up all the crap that got tracked in from that non-stop rain (what a mess!) Now, I can’t do that.  I also still need to rip apart the office since I’m kind of baracaded in at my desk – surrounded by cases of wine, of all things.  And of course, I need to pick up dinner fixin’s – I’m thinking of making a chicken tortilla-ish soup in the ol’ crock.

Plus I still have a slew of stuff to work on for my LWL homework and whatnot.  Oh yeah, I still need to write up this week’s class and write about the Garth show.  Yeah, I’ll get to that.  Meanwhile, I seem to be chilled and achey again.  I wonder what that’s all about.  Maybe it just means that I need more tea!  Off to make another cuppa…