Not too Bad

I managed to pull it together and actually get some shit done today. Go me!

I’ve been wanting to create a vision board for the past couple of weeks now, but I’ve never really been able to commit to it. Or maybe I just didn’t have that creative vibe going on. Well, I still did exactly get a vision board/map up and running, but I did go through a bunch of magazines and cut out a bunch of empowering words and phrases. I figure that’s enough for now. Now I just need to figure out how to glue things onto the papers (told you I wasn’t feeling all that creative).

I did realize though that right now, I think I want to focus on my sites’ blog and doing some digital coaching (which I’ve discussed here before). I figure that right now, it motivates and excites me (that’s a HUGE plus) and let’s me kind of ease back into lifestyle coaching. Who knows, maybe I’ll try my book that folks having been lecturing on being inside of me since I was around eight – yes, the reading today mentioned the book yet again! Either way, it will give me a bit of a break from all the recent drama and let me build my self-confidence back up again (how humilitating to admit that).

This of course, is part of the reason that I’ve yet to write out my business vision – or so I seem tell myself. It’s amazing how we can let fear get in our way some times. I mean, I know that deep down, I’m good at what I do. I also know that I can succeed at anything I put my mind to. But for some reason, I just don’t seem to want to commit to writing this vision. Don’t get me wrong, the perfectionist in me won’t let me not do it (it’s a homework assignment after all). So until then, I’ll see how much longer I can procrastinate here with my little ‘ol blog.

Or maybe I’ll tidy around my desk for a bit first. Really, there’s only so long that someone can be expected to function well while being over-run by cases of wine and stacks of magazines needing to be filed. That should buy me a few minutes. I’ve already [finally] gotten out of my PJs (yet another embarrassing tidbit to share), taken out the trash and dropped the crushed boxes (from behind my chair) off in the recycling bin. Oh and I need to dig out the warranty papers for our freezer and deal with all that before our house starts to stink something fierce.

Crap, I need to get some fruit for the fruit salad yet too!

I’ll get to my Vision, I promise…


ETA:  It’s now 7:07 and I am finished!! The office is cleaner, my gifties are all done, and my LWL homework is finished.  I have a Vision all written up and dammit if I don’t rock my own socks off!  😉

2 thoughts on “Not too Bad

  1. surfergrrl

    yeah! congrats! I need to pay my bills. I did a 5k this morning in Redondo and it was cold, wet, and windy. Now it’s almost noon and back in my PJ’s and I don’t feel like going anywhere anymore, let alone a superbowl party. Nobody has surfing parties. why is that? 🙂

  2. LA Blogger Gal

    Hey Sufergrrl! Yeah, bills seem to get me as well. I think for the past three months, I’ve been mere days late on one credit card or another and I just hate that! Congrats on the 5K!! I’m going to start small this year and try to at least walk a 5K some time this year.

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