Category Archives: biz

Workin’ For a Living: Day II

Yep, still hanging out at Herbie’s answering the phones – and it’s pretty low key here.  No, I haven’t gotten to speak with anyone famous (other than Herbie himself, that is, but that’s nothing new for me).   For the most part really, I’m just answering the phone and taking messages.  Good to know that my time as a telemarketer and phone sex gal has come in handy – I give good phone 😉

His computer is driving me crazy.  I don’t have hot corners set up on my Mac, but he does.  So anytime I’m anywhere off the Firefox window, the computer starts freaking out and wants to give me one of this hot corners.  It just keeps freaking me out man (but I’m crazy like that).

Otherwise, I have nothing much to say.  Oh, I forgot to say that I the other day, while working on our books (at a local restaurant) I saw Dog, the Bounty Hunter and his skanky wife.  I took a picture of him, but I haven’t done anything with it yet.  Which is a shame because it’s Wordless Wednesday and I miss not participating in Wordless Wednesday.

And now, I must start thinking about the roundtable sessions I’ll be leading on SEO and blogging (in two weeks) *eek*  Did I mention that I’m not really trained in either, but I have experience and a little knowledge that I’ve gleaned from reading lots of blogs and biz books.  Think that’s good enough?

Life Lesson:  Do NOT inhale right before answering the phone or you may be struck by a coughing attack.  A painful one at that…ow!

I (seem to*) Hate Bookkeeping!

 Well, all items are inputed into the QuickBooks.  Of course, I’m off. This year it’s only $100ish  and oddly, I seem to have started off right at the beginning.  So I guess it’s not exactly my bookkeeping.  The credit cards of course, are off a bit more. *sigh*

So tomorrow, it appears that I’ll be taking a nice leisurely lunch along with my bank and credit card statements and a printout of the register so I can compare things line by line.  Have I mentioned that bookkeeping is SO not my forte?  My goal is to generate enough income this year to actually make it worthwhile to hire a bookkeeper.  Most importantly, so she can legitimately get rid of all the old discrepancies so we can actually balance at year end.

Then again, I always tell myself that if I just take the time each month to input everything into QB, I won’t go so crazy at the end of the year.  I was pretty on top of things this year so come year-end, I just had October – December to do.  Much easier than the first year the hubs had be do the books and I had to input the entire year in about 2 weeks.  SO much easier my way.  It would be even easier still with a bookkeeper, right?

Now, it’s time to take advantage of this warm weather and take the pupster out for a walk.

* I certainly don’t want to own this hate of bookkeeping, so for all intents and purposes, it just seems like I hate it (really deep down!)

Stamp This One: Kinda Cool

Before I decided to sign on with Ladies Who Launch, I wrote a blog post about it in my old blog.  I had asked if anyone had heard of it and if they could tell me something about it.  Well, I had about 20 or so responses to that post.  I figured a link had to have shown up somewhere, but I didn’t know where since my stats weren’t giving me any real details about it.

Well, in speaking with another LWLer on Friday (she plans to donate a piece of her jewelry to my site for a giveaway) she mentioned how folks found me.  Turns out, I made the LWL national newsletter!   This is kind of interesting considering that’s usually left for, you know, gals that I have done something like been on the Today show, or gotten their product in Lucky or something.  But nope, little ‘ol me made it in.

Now too bad I’m no longer using my old blog.  Oh well, it’s still pretty damn cool.  I’ll post their blurb about me below (editing out the previous blog information). They actually went in and did a bit of research on me as well – within the blog itself – considering they mentioned the online women’s community, where I live and the life coaching.  Only bit of mis-information was that they thought my blog was my community.

A curious blogger by the name of LA Blogger Gal, who runs an online women’s community, *insert blog name here*, out of San Fernando Valley, CA, wrote about her curiosity regarding LWL.  She has heard about our network a few times and is currently considering joining.  But on her blog she notes she is interested in hearing form someone who has gone through the Incubator process.  (She is thinking about launching a life coaching career soon.)

On her online community she says, “I’ve heard this women’s group (LWL) mentioned a time or two.  The first time I heard about it, I got the impression that it was just for creative, LA-types.  More recently, someone outside of LA mentioned it and I got a totally different impression …  So before I sign up or ask to be contacted by someone, I’d love to hear from anyone that’s either gone through the program or maybe even knows someone that’s gone through it.  Anyone?”

Anyone interested in sharing your experience as a LWL member with her, click on her blog link below and share your feedback.

I’ve Been a Very Busy Gal

That’s not exactly a surprise, I know.  Hell, I’ve been posting about my busyness for the past couple of weeks now.  Thing is, I’m thrilled.  Again, not a surprise, I know.

Today I met with yet another future blogger for lunch – though I think she’ll be more of an occasional topic, than an actual blogger (if that makes sense).  Much like Elizabeth Gilbert of Eat, Pray Love fame, she too wrote a book about her personal journey to find answers.  So I’m now the proud owner of a copy of her book and I’ve secured one to giveaway on the site to correspond with our future interview.

I also heard back from two other people interested in blogging for the site.  Whew, who knew this would all come together so easily.  I mean hell, when we originally set the blog up, we asked our own membership to write for us and that was like pulling teeth.  This is SO much easier – and much more fun!  I’ve also been in contact with yet another author to interview to discuss her current projec.  At this rate, I’ll be ready to reach out to mainstream authors in no time 😉

And speaking of books, I think I might have mentioned that I’m involved with Elle magazine to read three fiction books and review them for their May Reader’s edition.  I thought this would be fun.  First, I’m so glad that I started with the Jennifer Weiner.  Even though it had a slower start than I’d have preferred, it was good.  Really good.

Now, I’m reading Wit’s End by Karen Joy Fowler (of The Jane Austin Book Club fame) and I can’t get in to it for the life of me.   I’m half way through and I’m just hoping and praying that it gets better.  If this was something I was reading on my own, I’d have given up already.  It’s so sad, but the best parts to me, are the ones that discuss how the movie, Lost Boys was filmed in the same town (Santa Cruz) or the brief mentions of the online and blog communities.  Otherwise, it so doesn’t do it for me.  I’m actually thinking of leaving it and going on to our third book Meg Wolitzer’s The Ten Year Nap (since I have to have all write-ups completed by the 18th).  Hopefully this one will grab me and I can have a little fun with it.

And of course, while in Borders today, I just had to poke around. They didn’t have the book I wanted on social networking (mail order only) and I needed at least a $5 purchase to cover my parking.  I decided to peruse the cookbook section and yes, I came home with yet another cookbook.  This time I picked up Everyday Food’s Great Food Fast.  I enjoyed the recipes in the magazine so I thought the book would be fun (I’m one of those weirdos that reads cookbooks more than I cook from cookbooks).  I love how it’s broken down by seasons and it tells  how how long it takes to make something.  Very helpful.  While I pretty much have all the time in the world to cook, the hubby doesn’t quite come home at a regularly scheduled time, so I tend to still shoot for easy and quick meals.  It could be a keeper – all hell, I know it’s a keeper, but it could actually be a cookbook that I cook from.

So tomorrow, believe it or not, I have the whole day to myself.  Well, almost to myself.  I do need to take the dog to the vet for his rabies shot.  But that’s it.  I’m thinking that I might run over to Kohls to see if I can find new bathroom floor mats or something fun.  Oh and I’d like to pick up a chalk line leveler thingie.  I’ve been meaning to hang some shelves in the bathroom for nearly a year now, but I’m the worst when it comes to using a level (even a laser one).  So I figure with a chalk line level, I can make little cross-sections so I know exactly where to drill the whole.   It sounds like a good idea.

Okay, enough rambling.  I’ve got a cookbook and two and a half books to be reading!

The Energy is Shifting

I can feel it.  And no, I’m not talking about Super Tuesday (though I’m sure things are shifting there as well).  I mean things in my own life.

I’ve always been a spiritual person.  I’ve always believed (and have said it over and over) that things happen for a reason – even if we may not be able to see that reason at the time.  Looking back, I can now see how starting up my site has brought me to be the person that I am today.  And the good news, I’m really loving the energy.

I’ve been putting it out to the Universe that I’m looking for some bloggers to write on my site (in exchange for the free advertising/link back to their own site).  I’ve had great email response.  Quite a few women are interested and I already have three posts ready to go!  I met with one of my new bloggers today over coffee and much chitchat.  Just sitting down and talking with me, getting a feel for what I’m looking for and she already thinks that she has four other bloggers for me – including an advice columnist!!  How cool is all that?!?!

So yeah, the energy all around me is most definitely shifting.  And in a good way.

Now I just need to sit myself down and finish up the one post I was writing myself about online tools.  Come on girl, no more excuses!

Got a Few Minutes?

A friend of a friend is in a short story competition over on Amazon.  Her first chapter is up for review.  Why not take a minute and read it (14 pages) and drop her a comment?  It’s off to a great start!

Full disclosure:  I’m hoping to get her to blog some of her dating advice for me.  So the more we show her some love, the more she might be inclined to share her expertise over on my site.

Not too Bad

I managed to pull it together and actually get some shit done today. Go me!

I’ve been wanting to create a vision board for the past couple of weeks now, but I’ve never really been able to commit to it. Or maybe I just didn’t have that creative vibe going on. Well, I still did exactly get a vision board/map up and running, but I did go through a bunch of magazines and cut out a bunch of empowering words and phrases. I figure that’s enough for now. Now I just need to figure out how to glue things onto the papers (told you I wasn’t feeling all that creative).

I did realize though that right now, I think I want to focus on my sites’ blog and doing some digital coaching (which I’ve discussed here before). I figure that right now, it motivates and excites me (that’s a HUGE plus) and let’s me kind of ease back into lifestyle coaching. Who knows, maybe I’ll try my book that folks having been lecturing on being inside of me since I was around eight – yes, the reading today mentioned the book yet again! Either way, it will give me a bit of a break from all the recent drama and let me build my self-confidence back up again (how humilitating to admit that).

This of course, is part of the reason that I’ve yet to write out my business vision – or so I seem tell myself. It’s amazing how we can let fear get in our way some times. I mean, I know that deep down, I’m good at what I do. I also know that I can succeed at anything I put my mind to. But for some reason, I just don’t seem to want to commit to writing this vision. Don’t get me wrong, the perfectionist in me won’t let me not do it (it’s a homework assignment after all). So until then, I’ll see how much longer I can procrastinate here with my little ‘ol blog.

Or maybe I’ll tidy around my desk for a bit first. Really, there’s only so long that someone can be expected to function well while being over-run by cases of wine and stacks of magazines needing to be filed. That should buy me a few minutes. I’ve already [finally] gotten out of my PJs (yet another embarrassing tidbit to share), taken out the trash and dropped the crushed boxes (from behind my chair) off in the recycling bin. Oh and I need to dig out the warranty papers for our freezer and deal with all that before our house starts to stink something fierce.

Crap, I need to get some fruit for the fruit salad yet too!

I’ll get to my Vision, I promise…


ETA:  It’s now 7:07 and I am finished!! The office is cleaner, my gifties are all done, and my LWL homework is finished.  I have a Vision all written up and dammit if I don’t rock my own socks off!  😉

Is it Just Me…

Or has this week just blown on by?  I’ve been behind in my blogs all week – to the point that no matter how many I read, every time I look, my Reader says I have 100 (give or take) still to read.

One of our LWL homework assignments was to create a list of five things that we need to accomplish this week (biz related) and you know, accomplish them.  Um, I’ve only done one thing.  Though in my defense, I’ve done it to excess – I said I’d contact 5 potential blog writers and I reached out to 16!  I have meetings scheduled with two of them next week and have that second interview to work through as well.

And of course, this isn’t even counting the rest of my LWL homework I still have to do – my vision, re-do one of my elevator speeches and I still have to finish up my gifties for everyone.  I also have to make a fruit salad for tomorrow’s final meeting/party.  Whew, I’m tired already and it’s only 11:00!

Oh yeah, I also have a reading to do in a bit (assuming she can still do it since she left some wacky message about being confused with the times).  I don’t do many readings any more, so once I finish up here I’ll need to get myself in the right frame of mind.  And of course, looking around casually while I type, I don’t see my cards jumping out at me.  No wait, found them.

And in frazzled closing…our upright freezer (you know, FULL of food) died last night.  I heard a weird noise, then a weird smell.  And well, now our FULL freezer is useless and of course, we have buttloads of food to throw out, including the yummy soup I made the other night with all intentions of freezing.  I don’t get it though, we had an upright when I was a kid (back in the day when shit lasted, I’d guess) and that thing was rock solid for years and years.  I don’t think it died until I was in my mid-20’s.  And this piece of crap, not even five years!  That’s just wrong.

Okay, time for me to get busy.  Happy Friday to you all!


I’ve just received word from one of the publicists that I contacted late last week.  I have my next author interview lined up!!  This one will be conducted via email instead of via audio (I think the topic lends well to that platform – and less to edit!!).  I also have one outside blogger confirmed to write 1-2 posts a month for us!

Things are really starting to move along.  This is so freakin’ cool!!!

So Much to Do

Ahhh, where to begin.  Well, I guess for starters I can say that I saw Sissy Spacek last night.  Actually, we were heading out to see her daughter at the Hotel Cafe, so it wasn’t a surprise.  Our friend would have introduced us, but we figured as cool as it might be, that it just wasn’t really worth it since she was busy.  So that’s my latest celeb sighting.  We have another show to catch tonight (Grace Potter) out at the Troubadour.  This one the hubster will be shooting.  In which case, I’ll be hanging back in some out of the way corner by the bar like I usually do.

And speaking of the hubs,  he’s working from home these next two days.  While I love having him around, and we really do co-exist pretty well without driving each other crazy, I um, well, never seem to get much done.  Today was the day I’d planned to vacuum up all the crap that got tracked in from that non-stop rain (what a mess!) Now, I can’t do that.  I also still need to rip apart the office since I’m kind of baracaded in at my desk – surrounded by cases of wine, of all things.  And of course, I need to pick up dinner fixin’s – I’m thinking of making a chicken tortilla-ish soup in the ol’ crock.

Plus I still have a slew of stuff to work on for my LWL homework and whatnot.  Oh yeah, I still need to write up this week’s class and write about the Garth show.  Yeah, I’ll get to that.  Meanwhile, I seem to be chilled and achey again.  I wonder what that’s all about.  Maybe it just means that I need more tea!  Off to make another cuppa…