I woke up this morning, checked my email and found out that there’s an ad running on my website that’s not behaving nicely. It seems to be slowing things down for folks due to their flash or whatever. I forwarded it along to the ad agency and I’m sure they’ll handle it.
Not five minutes after waking up this morning my best friend calls. Seems her website is down and in its place, a GoDaddy place holder. Luckily the hubs was still home so I send him to investigate. Turns out when it auto-renewed GoDaddy changed the server locations and had everything pointing to their servers, not our servers. Nice. Of course it’s now fixed.
So now I sit here and I can’t seem to help but wonder what’s next? Don’t these sorts of things usually happen in threes or something? Nah, I won’t worry about that. I’m all about being positive and I know I’ve got too much going on to worry ’bout something so silly and easily fixable.
If I was going to worry about anything it would be the bookkeeping. I keep forgetting that even though the personal taxes aren’t due until April, we can’t do our taxes without the business taxes which are due in March. So basically, that cuts a month off of our my prep time. And well, I’m a little behind. I think I have to input from October – December still. Guess I know what else I’ll be working on this week 😉
And on to a totally unrelated sidenote: Does anyone know someone who knows something about tea? I’d like to interview them for my site. Also, does anyone know someone in the eco-friendly bag department (RuMe, Envirosax, etc.). I’d like to do an interview and giveaway with them as well.