Who Can Complain About Free Money?

It’s Day 14 of my 100 Day Challenge and let me say that things are running quite smoothly! I’d had two invitations to take part in consumer testing. Which basically translates to FREE money!! I mean all I had to do is talk about what I like or don’t like about certain products. So my multiple streams of income affirmation is working baby –> I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis.

I also picked up my Ask and It is Given book the other day. You know, for some reason, I seem to have challenges staying focused when reading Positive Thinking/Law of Attraction sort of books. I tend to start day dreaming and going off on tangents, so last night was the first time I’d picked it up in a while.

Did you know that they have 22 lessons, affirmation or games, as they like to call them that are guaranteed to raise your vibrations and to help you get you get focused in co-creating? It’s very cool. I figure I can pick one “game” each night before going to bed and that will give me some focus. Pretty cool, huh?

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