Going from weekend away, to prepping for official biz launch, back to extended weekend away, on to the hubs working from home for the week, then to me seeing clients daily…well, I have no idea what day it is. Worse still, I have to buy my plane tickets (or decide if I’m going to carpool) to Blogher and do it now!
But really, I swore that yesterday was Thursday. So of course, I woke up thinking that today was Friday. I can’t believe that I can have something going on every day, yet still not know what day of the week it is. That’s just craziness, I say.
Of course I have mountains of laundry to do and well, it was already 93 degrees by 10:30 this morning! Hard to find the motivation to clean and take care of the house when it’s already too damn hot both inside and out. Thursday and Friday we’re expected to be in the 100’s again. *sigh* I really love our apartment, except in the hot days of summer when our wimpy AC continuously seems to let me down.
Needless to say, I’m fairly certain that I won’t be posting up any photos for Wordless Wednesday. I still haven’t gotten around to uploading my Jersey pics (see previous mentions of time getting away from me) and well, I just don’t have the desire to do that today. Sorry.
Instead I’ll focus on my massage and adjustment scheduled for later today. Lord knows I need it since I”ve been on the verge of a migraine for the past 4 days and everytime I reach back to scratch or something, I get sharp pangs in my shoulder. Not cool, but both are simple things that the chiro can fix. Yay!
My one other crazy, big plan…to finish this last Outlander book. I believe I have less than 100 pages left and I’m just digging it. Of course, historical romances, especially those that are nearly 1000 pages long, tend to warp your sense of self a bit. We were out walking the dog late last night (when it’s cooler) and I reminded the hubby that we should be wary of coyotes since it’s nearly a full moon.
The hubs asks me what I would do if I encountered a coyote. My first thought…well, that I’d shoot him with my rifle, of course. Then I remembered that I don’t have a rifle and moved on to the dirk that I have on hand. Um…only to realize that I don’t have a dirk either as I’m not back in the 1770. Silly woman – my actual response was that I’d scream and make a lot of noise. Whatever that might be worth.
And don’t even get me started on the wacky dreams I have when I read the Outlander books. Crazy shit I tell ya. But I still love them.
Okay, off to get busy and get to work. Stay cool in this heat!