Category Archives: books

Focus Baby, Focus.

Wow, it’s day 34 of the 100 Day Challenge! Time has been flying by! I’ve met some really cool people while I was in Austin at South by Southwest. Who knew that an interactive/music/film festival would give me some of the very insight and focus I was craving.

I know I’ve mentioned last week how I kept hearing about the E-Myth and Michael Gerber (I love his story about how he found his calling). I’m really learning a lot and luckily, he has a great writing style that makes it read more like he’s talking to you than some business book.

While there I also met some other great folks such as Tim Ferriss (more about him later), Jenny Hart, Vickie Howell, two other really cool people that use the law of attraction to help attract your ideal client.

So yeah, things are really coming into focus…

* I am so happy and grateful now that our business is doing so well and earning $3000+ a month through multiple sources of revenue.

* I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources of on a continuous basis, for the good of all involved.

Live from SXSW Interactive!

It’s day 27 in my 100 Day Challenge and I’m currently hanging out in Austin at the South by South West Interactive Conference. And while this has nothing in particularly to do directly with the Challenge itself, I’m learning SO much and really receiving a ton of good information that I’m certain is a direct result of the energy I’ve been putting out. And the best part, since I seem to have left my power cord at my friend’s house in Dallas, I’m forced to conserve my computer time and focus on the actual people and events, going with the flow instead of hanging out in my own head.

Quick parting words…I got the message at least twice to check out The E Myth by Michael H. Gerber that I actually drove out to the local bookstore on my lunch break to pick it up (and score some YUMMY Amy’s Mexican Vanilla ice cream!). It’s really shaping up to be EXACTLY the sort of book I needed to help me to clarify my business success goals. So talk about needing to be open to what messages the Universe sends your way.

And now, I have a party (with a free drink or two!) to get too. I’ll post more after I either get back to Dallas or get back to LA.

100 Day Challenge – Day 18

A Couple of Observations…

One – Everyone is going absolutely C.R.A.Z.Y. for The Secret!!! I tried to order a copy of the book off of Amazon last week and it had about a 2 week or so delay. I didn’t feel like waiting, so I canceled my order. Then today, I stopped by B&N to pick up a copy (and my next book club book – Lolly Winston’s Happiness Sold Separately, which they were sold out of!) and they were sold out! The woman said the publishers just can’t seem to publish enough for the demand. Man, that Oprah is amazing…what she can do for book and product sales!

Two – One of the biggest changes I’m noticing since participating in the 100 Day Challenge (aside from the money just showing up!!) is that I’ve become a lot more mellow. I’m noticing others getting upset and frustrated in lines, or in traffic, or whatnot. But me, I’m cool as a cucumber with no worries. And let me just say, I’m SO loving that. Talk about things to be grateful for!

Three – I also seem to be purging a lot of crap. In a good way. I wrote earlier about what appeared to be a little breakdown of sorts with plenty of tears and pent up frustrations getting cleared. This was great because it really seemed to give me some much needed clarity and it brought the hubby and I closer. But now I seem to be dealing with a sinus-turned-bronchitis sort of thing. I’d let it work it’s way out, but I’ll be flying in a few days and after having flown with some sinus congestion a month or so ago, there’s just NO WAY in hell, I’m going through that again. But I do recognize that it’s just my body’s way of purging some crap. So I can be more than grateful for this cleansing experience – and I’m more than open to medication & healing 😉

Who Can Complain About Free Money?

It’s Day 14 of my 100 Day Challenge and let me say that things are running quite smoothly! I’d had two invitations to take part in consumer testing. Which basically translates to FREE money!! I mean all I had to do is talk about what I like or don’t like about certain products. So my multiple streams of income affirmation is working baby –> I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis.

I also picked up my Ask and It is Given book the other day. You know, for some reason, I seem to have challenges staying focused when reading Positive Thinking/Law of Attraction sort of books. I tend to start day dreaming and going off on tangents, so last night was the first time I’d picked it up in a while.

Did you know that they have 22 lessons, affirmation or games, as they like to call them that are guaranteed to raise your vibrations and to help you get you get focused in co-creating? It’s very cool. I figure I can pick one “game” each night before going to bed and that will give me some focus. Pretty cool, huh?

100 Day Challenge – Day 1

So according to the principles of both the Laws of Attraction and the Secret, whatever is going on in my life now, be it something that I want/desire, or something that I’d rather wasn’t present, is only the “current reality. So if I change the thinking, I can change the reality. I can change the now. So here we go, some basic, early stages, affirmations…

* I am so happy and grateful now that we are living in our perfectly suited home (for the good of all involved).

* I am so happy and grateful now that I am in a loving, caring, affectionate, sex-filled relationship.

* I am so happy and grateful now that I am a complete, confident and beautifully, fabulous woman.

* I am so happy and grateful now that I am at my most healthy, fit and perfect weight and size.

* I am so happy and grateful now that our business is doing so well and earning $3000+ a month through multiple sources of revenue.

* I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis, for the good of all involved.

This is a good start. I’ll work out some specific details, as I believe in getting as specific as possible. It’s worked before, and it will work again.

The Secret and My 100 Day Challenge

After having heard so much about it the past year or so, I finally sat down to watch my copy of The Secret. Interestingly enough, I’ve followed the principles of Positive Thought and the Laws of Affirmation for nearly 20 years now (I got started as a youngish adult). Heck, I’ve even been sitting on the DVD for over a month now. It’s nice to see Larry King and Oprah embrace it!

For the past couple of days, I’ve had strangers start talking to me about the movie completely unprompted (this isn’t as abnormal for me as you might think). Not one to ignore the message, I finally watched it twice last night – once to hear it, and once to take notes. Today, I handed it off to a friend and jumpstarted a conversation about it on my website. Just doing my part to spread the word.

While catching up on some TS clips on YouTube, I also stumbled upon the 100 Day Challenge. So knowing that it’s time to kick things up a notch or two, I thought I’d embrace this very challenge. So over the next 100 days, expect to read a lot about my life and all that I’m creating. I’m sure I’ll also throw in some background info about myself considering this belief structure plays a huge part on who I am and how I came to be. So coming up you’ll find some affirmations, much gratitude, some manifestation and a whole lot of love.

Everything happens for a reason and there’s no time like the present! Anyone care to join me?

I can’t figure out how to post a YouTube video here, so here’s a Secret summary link instead.