Category Archives: manifestation

Word of the Year

Last year was a big year for me. While I won’t say it was a great year – way too much loss and confusion – it was still a year where I learned a lot.

In hindsight, my theme for last year was “letting go”.  I believe I recognized it and owned it early on.

receiveThis year, I’d like to continue releasing and letting go of what no longer serves me…but I’d also like to allow myself to receive…with ease.

After all, what good is letting go if you don’t allow to receive something new and better, right?

What’s your word or theme for 2015?

SISTER GIANT: Rousing the Sleeping Giant of American Womanhood

Photo: Library of Congress

From Marianne Williamson:

On February 26, 27 and 28, 2010, I will be hosting a weekend gathering called SISTER GIANT: Rousing the Sleeping Giant of American Womanhood.

This seminar/conference speaks to the role of women at this pivotal moment in history. It’s a critically important time to transition from disastrous probabilities to fantastic possibilities, and women can lead the way.

If you are a woman who feels a prompting in your heart that goes something like this: “Okay, it’s time. I might not be perfect, but I’m good enough. And I’m ready,” then this invitation is for you.

During SISTER GIANT, we will review the historic forces that quelled the voice of the Western woman, as well as those that both challenge and invite us to speak our truth now. I hope you will come to Los Angeles on February 26th to join with other women who feel moved to both find our greatness and to do something great.

We will journey from an understanding of our history …. to a reclaiming of our personal power …. and ultimately to a vital commitment to be a powerful collective force in eradicating hunger and poverty on the planet today. It is time for us to change the world.

We will look within, and we will look without. In partnership with the RESULTS organization, we will work on forming a women’s delegation to the regional Microcredit Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, in April 2010.

Sister Giant will take place at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport Hotel. The cost of the seminar will be a suggested donation of $250 but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Click here for registration information

Congratulations! You Won A Buttload of Money!!


Okay, you really didn’t win anything (but have no fear, you are indeed a winner!). Instead, I wanted to play a little game of what if.

Imagine if you will, that you just won a lottery of sorts and you walk away with $10,000 free and clear. Or if you’re not comfortable with the money for nothing sort of thing, then let’s say it’s work bonus after taxes.

So my question is, what do you do with your winnings?

Do you invest?
Pay off bills?
Go shopping?
How about going on a fantastic vacation?
Pay down your student loans?
Enjoy a little spa time?
Buy a car? A boat?
Put it towards your kids’ college fund?
A new surround sound system?

What do you do with your prize money?

What if it was $100,000 free and clear?  Would it make a difference? Would you use it towards your down payment on a house? Buy something nice for your parents? Donate to charity?

Now let’s say that you’ve won $500,000 or a million free and clear.  Do you do the same thing?  Maybe buy or start a business? Or do you have a little more fun with it since there’s more?

When do you decide to share a little of your new found wealth?

I don’t really have a point with any of this.  I just noticed today that when I entered an online giveaway they asked a similar question.  In their case, they only gave 4 options and then an other. So it got me thinking…

While I’d love a super fantastic vacation or a new car, I also can’t seem to look beyond the fact that I have some massive student loan debt and we’d love to get into a house of our own.  In which case, I’m fairly certain I wouldn’t be spending it on something frivolous like a vacation, spa time, electronic toys or a new car.  As much as it might pain me to do so, I think I’d have to save it or apply it towards my student loan debt or to our house savings.

And well, while that seems like quite the responsible thing to do, it also seems a little sad.  I mean what’s the use of winning a big’ol lump sum of cash if you don’t have a little fun with it, right?

So I guess if there is a point to this post (outside of being curious about how others might handle the situation), I think it could very well be that it’s made me realize I might have a couple issues yet to deal with around money.

Guess I know what sort of work is on my plate to deal with before the end of the year…

You Are NOT On Sale

I posted this over on my business blog, but it’s so appropriate for many of us, that I thought I’d share it here as well.

I stumbled on this when reading the Women Earning blog.  They in turn, accredited it to Cristina Adams, editor over at the Daily Worth blog.

Either way, it’s some good stuff and I agree that you should write this on a 3×5 card and post it to your mirror all over the house and car!

You’re Not on Sale
You are not Filene’s Basement.
Nor are you a 60% off end-of-season sale.
So don’t offer your skills and services at bargain-basement prices.
Do the research and find out what you’re really worth.
Then ask …

My Top Five Travel Destination Wish List

Back in July, one of the business coaches I follow wrote a post about her top five travel destinations.  I’ve been sitting around pondering this since then.  Right now, with the mere thought of school starting up again shortly (and no, I haven’t yet written my syllabus thankyouverymuch), I’d be happy to go anywhere nice – no, Fresno didn’t count – for a weekend away.  I’m not picky though, I’d even be happy to go somewhere in October if we can’t squeeze it in right now.


Then again, I’m really missing my friends back in Albuquerque.  More so now that I’ve been working their websites and helping them get their social media on.  In that case, I’d also be thrilled to set up a quick business trip (and have the chance to enjoy some green chile again).  I’ve decided set that one in motion and am using the network of my friends, to help to arrange a group that’s up for a training.  So I see that one happening within the next month or so.

But on top of my simple requests to go anywhere, here are my current top five, dream vacations (in no particular order)…


Greek Isles

I fell in love with Greece back when I was in high school.  After my graduation, I was lucky enough to enjoy 24 days in 13 countries.  Yes, it was a whirlwind trip, but I did get to spend 2 or 3 nights on the tiny island of Hydra and really fell in love.  Well we may have had bed bugs (and I still bear the scars from them), the island itself was glorious.  I’ve been dying to go back ever since.  And I’m sure this time, I won’t get quite so drunk on the Ouzo (hey, I was 17!)



When we were planning our honeymoon five years ago, this was my dream honeymoon.  With a workaholic husband, it was perfect to imagine him having to be unplugged and away from work the entire time.  Plus, that glorious, blue-green water and those grass huts right over the water.  Talk about romantic.  This was what I wanted.  And still, this is what I want….nothing but water, sun (sunscreen), a good book or three, and my husband in a hammock and I’ll be fine.  Really, what more could you ask for out of a vacation?



I’ll be honest, until I started watching Spain: On the Road Again on PBS, I never really had much of a desire to see Spain outside of visiting with a dear friend (and former teaching colleague).  Now that I’ve seen the entire country through the eyes of Gwyneth, Mario, Bittman and Claudia (and my friend’s photos and stories) I want to see it all!  And I want that manchego and Rioja.  And windmills, I want to see those windmills.  And in the meantime, I’d get to visit with a dear friend.  A perfect vacation in my mind.



Amsterdam was one of the countries I was lucky enough to visit in my whirlwind European trip back in the late 80’s.  There was something about it that I loved.  The canals, the small feel in a big city. The crazy nightlife…all of it works.  Then there are the museums (Anne Frank’s attic hideaway is mind blowing to witness in person).  This time around though, I’d like to also step out and see a the countryside.   Again, the windmills draw me in.  And who wouldn’t love to see tulips for miles?



This has been on my must travel list since I was in 4th or 5th grade.  I remember learning about the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World in social studies.  And while I just now realized that Machu Picchu is not actually on this list, for some reason, it was during this time that I first learned about it.  And ever since then, I’ve wanted to go.  Sadly, my teaching friend (the one that now lives in Spain) once lived and taught in Lima, Peru as well, but I wasn’t able to visit her.  I swore that I’d max out my credit cards if I could just get myself there.  Unfortunately, I was in grad school and my credit cards were already maxed out.

What’s on your list?  Where would you love to go for the first time or revisit if you could go anywhere in the world?

It’s Official…Call Me Teach!

I finally heard from the college (they’ve been so backed up between finals and spring semester arrangements).  I got the job. It’s official, I will be a teacher once again!  There’s a huge part of me that’s so excited to be back in a classroom – even if this time I’ll be working with adults.

I start on Tuesday and will be co-teaching advanced computer and social media skills.  Luckily, I’ll also be able to head up to San Jose for the hubby’s Bruce show next Thursday and keep my speaking gig in June.  So it all worked out in the end.  I can’t wait to get started!

Thanks for all the support and happy thoughts to bring this to fuition.  I’m sure I’ll be letting you know how it goes.

The Unexpected Happens

Unexpected / Inesperado
Image by victor_nuno via Flickr

A week or so ago I asked you how many impossible things you’ve been believing each day.  Well, as you know, I’ve been working on those positive thoughts and affirmations.  Opening myself up to the unexpected, I’ve had some pretty amazing things come into my life…both unexpected and quite wonderful.

  • An old boss co-worker ex-boyrfriend friend that I haven’t heard from in about 20 years just contacted me through Facebook the other night.  While I’ve been connecting with quite a few friends and co-workers from my past, this was one of those rare, unexpected and wonderful lost connections that I’m so happy to have found again (right up there with finding my college roomie after all these years).
  • I’ve had three clients contact me out of the blue.  I haven’t even been focusing on attracting any new clients.  So a very pleasant and welcome surprise.
  • I was contacted out of the blue to host yet another name-brand contest on my site (it will go live in early March) which conveniently fills a space that I was going to have to look to fill come Monday.
  • I realized that once I start looking to approach companies for sponsorship, I have one helluva history/client-base that I can point back to and killer demographics.  This is going to be fun!
  • I already mentioned the misplaced business founds that were reimbursed by the bank a week or so ago.
  • Today while shredding papers, I found $3!  Granted, it’s not $3000, but it’s still $3 that I didn’t have before and it was still very unexpected and very much appreciated.

It’s amazing what can enter into you life when you open yourself up to the unexpected.  While it might not seem like all too much, it shows that the Universe is listening and we’re co-creating.  Either way, I’m grateful, tickled and excited…and that’s what matters here.

So I ask…What wonderful and unexpected things can you welcome into your life? And again, what seemingly impossible thing have you believed today?

WooFreakinHoo The Money is Back!!!

Originally uploaded by eyesplash Mikul

I’m so excited you have NO idea. The hubs just checked into the biz charge account and lo’and behold, all the fraudulent cash advances have been credited back to our account!!

Oh HAPPY Day!!!!!

First the paprika. Then the money. Next up my missing GPS!!

I’ll ask you again…what impossible things are you dreaming of today???

How Many Impossible Things Have You Believed Today?

The Queen of Hearts and Alice in the Garden, t...
Image via Wikipedia

“I can’t believe that!” said Alice.

“Can’t you?” the queen said in a pitying tone. “Try again, draw a long breath, and shut your eyes.”

Alice laughed. “There’s no use trying,” she said. “One can’t believe impossible things.”

“I dare say you haven’t had much practice,” said the queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

I’ve been spending some time rereading The Game of Life by Florence Shovel Shinn (a New Thought metaphysician in the 1930’s). One of the reasons I love her books is because they’re all about affirmations and speaking up and asking for (sometimes even demanding!) what you want. 

Since I seem to have lost a few things lately – more recently, a huge bag of Hungarian paprika.  I figured it was about time to find some stuff again.  And well, if I can get flowers and plants to show up on my doorstep just by saying out loud that I’d love some flowers, then surely I can get some other things delivered. 

The good news, it’s working!!!

I found the paprika yesterday and yes, it was right where I looked over and over.  This of course means that next up is the GPS unit and the (seemingly missing) money from those fraudulent credit card charges.  It’s going to work itself out, somehow, in just the right way (I don’t need to know the details) and just show up in the damnedest of places.  The paprika showed up in an empty oatmeal box of all things.  

Let me just say…I LOVE this stuff!!  Words are powerful as Florence Shovel Shinn, Napoleon Hill (and so many others) keep telling us.

So what seemingly impossible thing have you believed?