So I can’t help but wonder…when you’re picking up two recording artists, each with their own albums, one with some AAA radio play, both of whom have been (and currently are) touring with a jazz great and shuttling them across town for a live, acoustic session and interview (as a favor to the hubs who will be recording said sessions), what kind of music do you have playing in the car during the ride to and from?
Her album? I can sing along to it since I actually like it (though I wouldn’t be stupid enough to do that). His album, though it’s all jazz & African guitar instrumental? One of Herbie’s albums? Though truth be told, I personally only own Possibilities (though the hubs I believe has a copy of everything). The Sex & the City album since that’s what I’ve been grooving to lately or maybe some country? Or how about my mixed Road Trippin’ disks which are mostly filled with 80’s music – I have 12 disks worth (hey, LA to Vegas and back is one long ride, don’t judge). Or maybe some talk radio or NPR?
What’s a gal to do? Well, I guess for starters I should go wash the car. It’s so bad the hubs even made sure to remind me as he was leaving this morning (while I was on a work call – so it’s important). I’m certainly open to suggestions though, so feel free to share your thoughts.