Category Archives: biz

Hi, um…I’m Not a Mom

Why does it feel like that when it comes to women-owned businesses, you just don’t count unless your a mom? Any time you seem to read about successful women-owned business or even any how to be successful as a woman in business blog or article, again, it’s all about how moms can do this and moms can do that.

I get it. I mean moms have to juggle lives that I doubt I’d be very good at juggling. They wear many hats in the home. But you know what, so do I. I run a business that I’m expecting to rocket in no time. I run our household. I manage our calendars. I’m wearing quite a few hats both in and out of the home too you know. Am I less of a person just because I’m not a mom? I hope not, because you know what, you don’t know me or my story.

Why does it only seem to count as successful if you’re a mom? Why does the angel funding only seem to be offered up when you’re the next best thing for a mom? What if you have a product or a service that can benefit any woman, not just a mom? Where are those angel investors? Where are those success stories?

I love moms. I think moms do great work and we’d be lost without them. Hell, I had my own mom at one point and was right at my husband’s side to support him through the loss of his mother early on in our relationship. Really, moms are great. But why do we have to separate and compartmentalize our gender so much? Once again, this isn’t something we do with men. I think that this is just another way to that we as women keep ourselves down. Title IX be damned.

Let’s make a pact, together, as women; let’s stop judging each other, going out of our way to create drama amongst each other, trying to one-up each other. Instead, let’s support each other and work together to create the lives we want for ourselves and our children. Our future. Let’s stop building walls and trying to divide each other into groups and instead work as one group…women.

End of my rant…sorry, I read about yet another mommy group that received millions of dollars in funding and again, I can’t say that I think the site itself is really all that. It’s a place to hang your hat, but it doesn’t have that community feel to it.

BlogHer: I Do Believe I’ll Be There!

Well, the hubster is home.  Woohoo!!  Over dinner last night we caught up some of our upcoming travel plans – Sonoma Jazz Fest, my friends wedding, spiritual retreat with a girlfriend, BlogHer, more Herbie with an amazing guest that I can’t yet announce, etc.  Needless to say, it will be a busy summer.  I’ve decided to postpone the spirtual retreat in mid-June with my girlfriend in Ashville and shoot for October instead.  Doing this means that I can swing BlogHer.

So woohoo!!!  I’m going to Blogher in San Fran!  Will any of you guys be going as well?

The Business of Blogging

One of the focuses of my new business is to work with newer, small businesses to help them to learn how blogging can help them to develop and establish a brand, help with SEO and page rankings, and can help to establish the blogger/company as an expert in their field.  With that as my focus, you can believe that I read a lot of small business, women in business and blogging blogs.

Today I read an awesome post in Lip-Sticking about the Behemoth that Blogged.   Basically it’s a simple story of how blogging can not help your business to change your public face if you’ve gone out of your way to leave a bad taste in the publics mouth.  It does a little comparison between the dreaded Wal-Mart and the fantastic Target (no, there’s no need for me to be impartial here).  She’s got some great, yet simple thoughts regarding blogging, Wal-Mart and Target.  It’s a quick and easy read.

And in case you’re wondering, no, this blog is not any sort of business blog.  I blog here purely as a personal blog, an outlet to be heard.  I don’t follow any sort of rules (or SEO guidelines) that I recommend for my clients.  I’d rather remain anonymous and avoid the search engines for this sort of blogging.  Heck, it’s all just for fun here at My LA Blog!! 😉

Will it Blend?

Seth Godin cracks me up. Of course, this is probably why both his books and his blog are such enjoyable reads. For anyone in the business or marketing world, Seth Godin is the genius behind finding new ways to get your message across, your product out there and explaining how things go viral and become the next big thing.

His latest book is, Meatball Sundae: Is Your Marketing Out of Sync? He explains as an”unfortunate result of mixing two good ideas.” He goes on to clarify that “the challenge most organizations face: they try to mix them. They attempt to slap new marketing onto old and end up with nothing but a failed website. ”

Here’s an interesting take on the Meatball Sundae leaving us all wondering will it blend?

PS – I gave up and just used the link. I really need to upgrade this blog to a hosted site, the challenges I have embedding Youtube videos kills me!

Books A’ Plenty

I love to read. For the most part, I love me a good, quality chicklit book. Now of course, many chicklit authors detest that moniker, but well, it works for me. Lately, I’ve been working on starting up my business. At the same time, I’ve been reading quite a goodly amount of business-related books. Either way, it all works for me. Afterall, I’m working towards that 50 book challenge (no doubt that I’ll make it, if not even exceed it, but 50 is a decent amount to shoot for).

At this point though, I seem to be brimming over with books. I probably have about 15 or so books at my bedside – and yes, many of them, I’m in the middle of. I also have books that I need to read so that I can interview the author. Then there are the books that I’m using as research so that I can teach my workshops and well, get paid. And lastly, there are the books (some autographed, some not) that I’m collecting for giveaways on my website.

The other day, this arrived from an agent that’s advertising with us to be used as giveaways and well, I think there just might be such a thing as too many books…

Too Many Books

BlogHer Conference Anyone?

Is anyone planning to go to the BlogHer Conference this July?  It’s in San Francisco, so I kind of feel that I should go.  I was about a week off last year for the Chicago one – not that I signed up or anything, I just happened to be at the same hotel as some of the BlogHer gals.  Reading all the blogs though, it sounded like they all had so much fun.

I did the SXSWi BlogHer dinner last year and well, I was a little disappointed.  While I get that so many bloggers know so many other bloggers, it still felt like I was on the outside of some cool clique looking in.  Thing is, I’ll talk to anyone about anything.  So for me to say something about that crowd (or at least that part of the crowd that I met), that’s really kind of saying something.

Because of that outsider feel, I really don’t want to go to BlogHer by myself.  But this years theme of “Reach!” sounds right up my alley since my main focus and goal this year is to increase my site’s blog presence.  Here’s what they have to say about it…

Our 2008 conference focuses on a central theme: Reach! As BlogHers, you’re commanding an ever-growing online presence, but what is the true extent of your reach (and your message)? Is your reach something you need better defined, or something you’re looking to expand exponentially? If you believed that your blog could do anything, what would you reach for?

So is anyone considering going?  Has anyone gone in the past?  Has anyone hooked up with a roommate through the event coordinators?  So many questions I know, but pre-registration is nearly over and they pretty much expect to be sold-out shortly after pre-reg.

Yup, Still Sick (or so it would seem)

I just finished my 10-day round of antibiotics and well, my sinuses are SO much better, but dammit if I’m not still sick. With something different, at that. I’ve been craving a latte for nearly 2 weeks now – since first getting sick. I caved last night and finally drank one. Of course, I woke up this morning with a sore throat and feeling all floaty-headed (surely it can’t be the latte, I know that much). I’ve got an appointment in a bit with my doctor.

In other news, I feel crazy busy. Mind you, that’s crazy busy in a good way. I’m still following up with ladies about the blogging workshop I did on Monday all while getting ready for my next workshop next Wednesday. The cool news, just from Monday’s workshop alone I’ve been invite to lead another workshop in Orange County and another in Santa Barbara. This is awesome!! I’m telling you, Ladies Who Launch is an awesome organization.

Also, have any of you ever purchased an ebook – downloadable, PDF book? I’ve got a couple ideas that are running around in my head and I’m considering using the ebook platform. If you have purchased one, can I ask what the topic might have been? The price? The length of the book? Did you feel it was worth the money spent? Just wondering and trying to gather as much information as possible right now.

Before I sign off…remember that there’s still time to join the Ultimate Blogging Party on the 7th – 14th. Just click on the pretty pink banner there to the right for more information. Hope to be partying with you next week! 😉

Michael Gerber Rocks!

Have you heard of Michael Gerber?  He is known as the small business, entrepreneur guru.  He wrote the awesome E-Myth books.  Every small business owner should read these books – I really got a lot out of the E-Myth Revisited book.   His latest book is called Awakening the Entrepreneur Within.  I pre-ordered it last week and I can’t wait to read it.

I was lucky enough to listen in a tele-conference call he did for Alexis Neely over at Family Wealth Matters earlier today. He is not only an amazing man, but a very motivational and inspiring author and speaker.  He’s currently holding a seminar workshop training class engagement session – whatever you want to call it since it’s none of the above, really – in conjunction with his Awakening book.  It sounds like such a fascinating and fun process.  I’m considering doing it since it’s in San Diego at the end of this month.

Either way, if you have a small business, or would like to have a small business, check Michael Gerber and his books out.  Below are a couple of quotes from the call that really struck a chord with me.

“What you don’t know is there. It’s there waiting for you to discover it”

“If there’s a way to do everything on the face of this earth, then there’s a better way to do everything on the face of this earth. And if there’s a better way to do everything on the face of this earth, then there’s a best way.”

“If I’m passionate about this, everything I need to know will become available. I will discover it.”

My Rant on Celery & Messy Desks

I don’t like celery.  No wait, that’s not entirely true.  I like raw celery and I like raw celery in my tuna or chicken salads.  I just don’t like it cooked.

If cooked celery turns mushy and gross when cooked, then why do we always put it in soups?  You see, I love soup.  I don’t love celery.  If you’re going to put celery in soup, can’t you at least leave it chunky enough so that I can avoid it?

The only thing worse than celery in soup…okra in soup.  Talk about slimy and gross!   Really, it totally throws off the consistency, so why do it?

Onto other things that annoy  me…why is it that I can clear off my desk, but a mere two days later it’s piled over with crap?  I mean there’s rarely even a bit of flat enough surface available for my mug of tea.  How is that even possible?!?  More to the point, how can I stop it from happening over and over?

And speaking of messy desks…what the hell am I supposed to do with this ginormous stack of mail that needs to be shredded, but is just too much for my little home office shredder to handle?  Times like this I wish we had a fire place.  I mean this stack really seems to be hindering my productivity while at my desk (if you ignore the additional stacks ‘o mess I mentioned above).

What is a girl and her messy desk to do?  Any suggestions from you work at home gals out there?  How do you keep it all under control?

Do You Ever Feel a Little Overwhelmed

These past couple of weeks happens to be one of those times when I just feel a tad overwhelmed – but right now, it’s in a bit of a good way.  The week leading up to GA left me working @ Herbie’s every day with a lot of running around after work and no time for cleaning.  The week in GA, again, a lot of running around, phone calls and paperwork.  This week, well, I’ve been too sick to do much of anything.  I’m finally feeling better – sinuses are great, cough is still annoying and painful so I called the doc to ask for a ‘script.

Here it is Thursday and well, all I’ve been able to do so far is a lot of email/biz contacting and um, the laundry yesterday.  I have book club this Sunday (bright and early for this gal!) and I have to figure out a way to make the house at least presentable.  The hubs worked fro home all last week so things are a mess and there’s clutter just everywhere you turn.  Heck, I still have Christmas stuff to put away (don’t ask), but at least I finally picked up the storage box at Target yesterday.  So much for hanging my new curtains in the kitchen.  I have a feeling I’ll be spending Saturday shoving everything in the office (with the hubs) for book club.

I also still have an interview to edit, our bookkeeping to finish (that should take less than 30 minutes to do if I’d only sit down and well, DO IT!), some blog stuff to edit, another interview to set up, blah, blah, blah.  I also need to look into leading some non-LWL paying workshops.

Oh yeah, and I have to outline my presentation for Monday and create worksheets still.  And then do it all over again, this time on SEO for my workshop on the 12th.  And in between, I have to come up with a services and price sheet so I can have it ready when someone asks after the workshop.

Then we can toss in dinner with the hubster’s family on Saturday.  Oh yeah, and I still have shop for bookclub food.  Mind you, since our freezer died, we only have the food I bought for the hub before I left.  Yeah, no time for shopping yet.  Luckily, I’m doing a berry mixture, yogurt and granola – guess I’ll just pick that up at the farmer’s market instead of making it (and a mess) myself.

Wish me luck, I’m off to pick up some cough medicine and figure out what, specifically I should be focusing on today.