Why does it feel like that when it comes to women-owned businesses, you just don’t count unless your a mom? Any time you seem to read about successful women-owned business or even any how to be successful as a woman in business blog or article, again, it’s all about how moms can do this and moms can do that.
I get it. I mean moms have to juggle lives that I doubt I’d be very good at juggling. They wear many hats in the home. But you know what, so do I. I run a business that I’m expecting to rocket in no time. I run our household. I manage our calendars. I’m wearing quite a few hats both in and out of the home too you know. Am I less of a person just because I’m not a mom? I hope not, because you know what, you don’t know me or my story.
Why does it only seem to count as successful if you’re a mom? Why does the angel funding only seem to be offered up when you’re the next best thing for a mom? What if you have a product or a service that can benefit any woman, not just a mom? Where are those angel investors? Where are those success stories?
I love moms. I think moms do great work and we’d be lost without them. Hell, I had my own mom at one point and was right at my husband’s side to support him through the loss of his mother early on in our relationship. Really, moms are great. But why do we have to separate and compartmentalize our gender so much? Once again, this isn’t something we do with men. I think that this is just another way to that we as women keep ourselves down. Title IX be damned.
Let’s make a pact, together, as women; let’s stop judging each other, going out of our way to create drama amongst each other, trying to one-up each other. Instead, let’s support each other and work together to create the lives we want for ourselves and our children. Our future. Let’s stop building walls and trying to divide each other into groups and instead work as one group…women.
End of my rant…sorry, I read about yet another mommy group that received millions of dollars in funding and again, I can’t say that I think the site itself is really all that. It’s a place to hang your hat, but it doesn’t have that community feel to it.