I don’t know if you know this about me, but I love tea.
I’ll take a good Irish Breakfast tea any day. The sweeter, the blacker and the creamier it is, the more I like it. I think half the fun of my trip to Ireland was drinking entire pots of tea throughout the day. Yes, I love it that much.
Unfortunately it’s really only something I drink at home (unless I’m going “to tea”) and usually only when the weather is cooler…which is any day now here in LA.
A few years ago, when I was involved with Constant Chatter (check out the new magazine that we’ve got going!) I participated in a couple of our tea swaps. And I loved having the chance to try out some new teas. Many of which were very new to me (really, I’m pretty traditional with my black or assam teas).
So when one of my online friends (and fellow Tranquilista classmate) Melita over at Gussying Up the Tuttle posted that she was organizing a tea swap, I had to sign up to participate. And I’m so glad I did.
Not only did I get some fun new teas to try (like a super yummy citrus camomile – dealing with a cold, so I’m avoiding the milk and hence, the black teas), but thanks to Melita’s fun survey she sent each of us, I also got some fun gifties. My new tea swap friend, Julie from Savvy Eats sent along some freshly baked pumpkin scones (which the hubs proceeded to eat – these could be them) and some interesting season salts from Garlic Gold Nugget along with my teas (which I haven’t yet tried).
Out of all teas she sent, I think I’m most excited to try the Chocolate Orange Rooibos from and the Green Tea Chai, both from The Whistling Kettle (in NY). She also included some other interesting greens to check out. While I enjoy green tea, it’s never something I really search out. So I’m looking forward to trying something new.
Of course, I sent my own package out a little late (oopsie). I sent along a fun (if not spiritual) read which I don’t recall the name of at this moment and bunches and bunches of tea. No really…I mean bunches!
A friend ordered me a bag of assam tea from her co-op last year and I didn’t realize quite how LARGE a one pound bag would be. So I shared the wealth and filled an entire zippied sandwich bag…along with a few other fun selections. I hope she’ll be happy with what she gets.
And now, all this writing about tea has me craving a cuppa 😉