Category Archives: check it out
Oh No, He Just Jizzed In His Pants!
Not sure if I like this one quite as much as that classic holiday tale, Cock in a Box. But it’s still funny as hell.
If you click on the player you can make it full screen (why would Google make it so small anyway??)
We Have a Winner…
Congratulations Life’saMama!! You’re the winner of the Ultimate Pepsi Super Bowl Party Pack. I’ve sent you an email. The sooner I receive your contact info, the sooner I can pass it along to the Pepsi Folks. And then the sooner you can start your Super Bowl party! 😉
Thanks so much to everyone for stopping by and playing along. As I’m not much of a sports fan, I still loved reading about the highs and lows of everyone’s favorite teams.
Saying Buh Bye to LiveJournal
- Image by atomicShed via Flickr
Gawker says they’re on their way out with 20 out of 28 US jobs getting cut (they’re now based in Russia). CNET says it’s was all an exaggeration and only 12 out of those 28 jobs were cut and that operations are still going strong back in Mother Russia. Either way, I won’t miss it. Then again, I’m still disappointed over how they handle harassment and stalking…they do absolutely NOTHING about it (even when contacted by lawyers). So yeah, no hard feelings here.
While I’ll admit that I cut my blogging teeth over on LJ, I’ve been a WordPress gal nearly as long. So many of my “real life” friends keep their ‘journals‘ over on LJ and it’s frustrating beyond belief for me to keep up with them since I have to go out of my way to read their posts. I’ve found that for many people that keep a journal over at LJ, they’re pretty much afraid of someone finding them and reading either the inner-most personal details of their goings on, or what they’re saying about their husbands, their family, the in-laws, their bosses or co-workers , so they like to keep their accounts locked and only open to people they know. In this way, it really is more of a journal than a blog.
It should be interesting to see if they’ll stick it out, move on to something else (seems Vox keeps coming up), embrace blogging on other platforms or drop the whole thing all together. All of this reminds me that I need to drop Brie a note about my original LJ account that I deleted. She suggested I try going WayBack, but since I too kept a private, friends only journal over there, WayBack won’t be much help. Oh well.
Damn! I Missed It!
- Image by foreby via Flickr
Well, happy belated blogaversary to me!! I started this blog two years ago on New Years. Well, I actually started it a few days into ’07 but I post-dated some stuff to bring me to the 1st. I’ve actually been blogging over on LJ since about 2002 or so (started when I was prepping for a friend’s wedding).
Sadly, when I had all the crap happen last year, I deleted that entire blog/journal. I had always meant to take all those posts and import them into another WP blog, but I just never got around to it. Then one day I told myself that I no longer wanted to hold on to the past and just deleted it all full out.
Wish I’d remember to at least save my post from when I met Sir Paul McCartney. That was such an amazing and surreal moment that I regret not having taken a moment to save it. Oh well, I’d like to think that I’ll never forget when a Beatle (!!!!) sat down next to me and had a conversation with me about space camp (have no idea how we ever got onto that topic, but it had something to do with that tourist trap, crazy house where they have reverse gravity in the Redwoods somewhere in Northern CA). Well, that and the fact that he slapped my leg while making a point and also spilled his drink on me while talking. Ahhh…such fun (and again, quite surreal) memories.
Happy Belated Birthday to ME!!!
Let’s Help a Young Gal Out
You may or not remember, but a goodly amount of our time in Ireland, my husband was working on some pretty important stuff. Well, it’s now come to the point where I can share the details. My husband’s site, in conjunction with Taylor Swift’s team have come up with an awesome contest.
Last month, young fans were invited to post their own videos singing along to Taylor’s songs from her new album on YouTube. Over 500 kids submitted their songs – and there’s some good stuff out there. Taylor’s people have narrowed it down to four semi-finalists and all are quite good.
Here’s where you can help a gal out…my favorite video, Emily (HelloLovely26) is one of the finalists. Her video is adorable (as is her dog) and she sounds great. Thing is, she’s up against some serious competition with some series fans and she’s lagging behind. So I thought I’d ask you guys to help spread the word, show a little love and send some votes her way. And don’t worry, if she doesn’t float your boat, the other acts are also quite talented.
Beware the Doghouse and Don’t Be a Dual Bag!
This has to be the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while. Hopefully the guys will heed that warning. Then again, I like household stuff so I’m a bit atypical like that.
Beware of the Doghouse- Hilarious! – Click here for the most popular videos
Happy Holidays – Let’s Pimp My Friends
I don’t know about you, but I’m just so not really feeling the season this year. Maybe because I’ve been crazy busy since before October. Or maybe it’s because it’s a slightly shorter season this year. I don’t know. But I do know that folks still need to shop and buy gifts for friends and family. So in light of that, I’m here to pimp out my friends. Here are some cool things you might want to check out…
- KLEAN Bath & Body – You all know that I love, love, love KLEAN bath and body products. They have the yummiest scents and it’s just good stuff all around. I think my favorite product, something I just recently got the chance to try, has to be the body polish. I used to live on the body scrubs, but then I realized that the oily residue in the shower drove me nuts. With the body polish, this is not an issue. Plus it’s great for shaving. If you’re looking for your new favorite scent, I enjoy the Pommegranite-Fig, Yuzu, Satsuma Glow, and Brown Sugar. I’m personally not a fan of foody or dessert scents, but folks rave about her scents. Check it out, you won’t be sad. an
- Sommer Designs – Carrie has some awesome, handmade aprons and bags. If I didn’t already have an apron, I’d SO be sporting a gorgeous Sommer Designs apron. They’re that sassy and retro. It’s the perfect gift for that Martha-Wannabe, entertainer friend. Beautiful, I’m telling you and her sense of style and color combinations will wish she could come over and decorate your house.
- KangarooBoo – Jennic has some fun, fun toys and products for the young ones. I love her stuff so much that when we first started taking advertising on ConstantChatter, we offered up free ad space. And to make it even more enticing for you, they’ve got a great sale going on right now where you can both save 10% and get a free Mini Puppy Key Chain by Plan Toys (while supplies last using colde “CCH10” from now until December 31, 2008. And if you get the chance, check out her blog to learn a bit of her incredibly fascinating story. You’ll be inspired.
- Caffeinated Elf – I’ve raved about Rachael as Caffeinated Elf before. She’s helped me with my business site and she created our ConstantChatter contest ad. She’s got a fun offer for you, especially if you really don’t want or need any more things this year. She’s offering a special on a new banner/header design for your blog. Normally, she charges $125, but right now she’s offering the holiday price of $100. She’s also offering a 2-fer special (one for you and one for a friend, or both for you) you can get TWO headers for $150 together Her holiday discount is good through January 1st, 2009 using the code: HOLIDAY.
- See Rhi Knit – Who doesn’t love handmade gifts?! And check out those clutches…adorable!
- Katie James – One of my all time favorite gifts to give new moms are pretty burp clothes. You know what, Katie James has them. She also has some adorable travel jewelry bags and dog treat bags.
- Sorting With Style – I don’t know about you, but I love, love, love office supplies. And the prettier, the better; folders, fun staplers, scissors, clips, all sorts of organizing tools…I love it all. I only wish it would help me to be a bit more organized – LOL. Keep is snazzy and keep it fun!
Hopefully this list will open your eyes to some new gift ideas this season. And just think, you’ll be supporting someone you know (or at least someone that I know) instead of the local big box store buying stuff from China. Either way, happy shopping!!
I’m Calling Today a Productive Day
You know, without the obligation of posting daily, I can sometimes go for days without blogging. Mind you, I can’t go days without Twittering, but what can I say.
I may not be able to account for all of my time today (seems like I may have zoned out or over-focused a time or two), but boy howdy have I been productive — see, I’m so productive today, I even found an image to accompany my post about productivty. Go me!
No really. I woke up and started working on redesigning my client packages (it’s a work trade with a fellow-LWLer). From there I took a moment to answer a LinkedIn blogging question. I liked my answer enough that I added to it and turned it into a blog post. Then I added to that and decided to turn it into an article. Woohoo!!
I also got booked for a speaking engagement, cleaned out my LWL inbox, responded to some LWL emails, caught up with a few friends after talking business, did the laundry, had a coffee break (needed it to survive the laundromat), cleaned up my end table a bit (rediscovering a missing e-book in the process), pre-wrote some blog posts, wrote tomorrow’s blog post for CC, twittered, went to the bank, bought cat food, threw a bunch of crap into the recylcing bin (stupid holiday catalogs every other day!), paid the bills, finished next week’s CC contest stuff, started on the remainder of the contest stuff, contacted winners, send out the newsletter opt-ins to the folks that provided product up ’til now, and well, hell, some more errandy, mind-numbing other tasks. But yeah, productive dammit!
Now I just need to 1) find folks that can provide content for the CC blog, 2) finish all the contest stuff so I can focus on other projects and 3) record at least one MP3 to get on my site. Oh yeah, and find something to wear to next week’s holiday parties (but that’s an entirely different post).
So what about you? Have you done any holiday shopping? Wrapping? Shipping? Cleaning? Are you decorations up yet? Me…none of the above, but it’s on the schedule 😉
PS-I’m planning to do a “Pimp My Friends” holiday shopping suggestion post on Monday. So if you sell soemthing and would like to be considered, please shoot me an email (info*labloggergal*com) with any discount code you might currently be running and I’ll work it in the piece.
Black Friday Madness: Sweepstakes & Freebies Fun
In light of things I’m grateful for, I feel the need to repost about this (again, and again, and again). What can I say…I think it’s turned into something amazing that I can’t help but be proud of and it’s all in the spirit of GIVING and sharing…
Constant Chatter’s 50 Days of Giving.
As a way for us to give back to the community (in this case, everyone we may have met or not yet met via the Internet), we’re giving away thousands of dollars worth of merchandise – toys, books, cds, dvds, jewelry, a pearl necklace, video games, candles, clothes, skincare, you name it. It’s truly amazing the support I was able to get from the various vendors.
Now it’s time to spread the word. So please, pass along this incredible opportunity. Tell your friends, your family, your co-workers and your cohorts. Share the news with your network and your tribe. Post about it on your blog and in your tweets. Let everyone share in the joy that comes from winning something fabulous and FREE!
PS – If you need copy to help to get the word out, just drop me a note and I can send you some. Thanks!