Category Archives: life

Home Alone

When you’re home alone, do you do things differently, or notice that things freak you out more than usual?

Home Alone

Granted, I also live with a will-bark-at-anything dog and a scaredy cat cat, but between the two, there’s a lot going on.  Last night, right before I fell asleep, I heard a strange sound in the kitchen.  It almost sounded like the back door opened.  Mind you, nothing from ether of the boys, so it must’ve all been in my head.  Then again this morning, another odd sound.  And still nothing from the alarm boys.

So it got me thinking, when you’re home alone, do you freak out a little more easily?  I notice I’m more willing to lock the door than I am on any other, typical day.  Last night, I actually even wondered why we don’t have additional deadbolts on the doors – something that isn’t even a concern on any other night.  I also notice that I’m more likely to close the blinds and windows.  Which of course is crazy because it’s really not any different than any other day or night.

So I ask you, do you do anything differently when you’re home alone?*

*Like maybe not announcing to the blogosphere that you’re home alone?

It’s the Living in Limbo that Gets to Me

Off hand, I don’t recall if I mentioned it here or not, but I applied for a part-time teaching gig.  It was totally up my alley using all my past life skills: teaching, working with the developmentally disabled and computer and social media skills.  I had the interview on Friday and accepted it later that evening.

Before I sent the email acceptance (the interviewer told me to email), I decided to do a quick calendar check to make sure I didn’t have any major conflicts.  Well, turns out I had two. One in early April for the hub’s birthday, a quick drive up to San Jose and the Springsteen show.  The other is a speaking gig that I have down in Costa Mesa in early June.  I left the gal know that other than these two incidents, I was completely and fully available for the entire semester and would gladly accept the job.

Then came Monday.  She wrote back saying that she’s not sure she can give the job to someone that has to miss two days (mind you, it wasn’t asked at any time during the interview if I would be 100% available to attend every class).  Sounds like a silly thing, but the April date is only the second day of class and the June date is during finals, so I can see her point.  On the other hand, they’re hiring a week and a half before classes start and I think it’s a bit insane to think that someone, anyone won’t need a day off or get sick during the next three months.

While it’s painful, I told her that I would be willing to skip the April trip (and the incurring costs – which far exceed the salary). But since I’m one of the featured speakers for the event in June (an event that I booked months ago, months in advance) that it would be unprofessional to skip that event and I couldn’t do it.  Hopefully, she’ll see my willingness to commit to the job and she’ll acknowledge that while it might seem like a big deal, it really wouldn’t be and still let me take the job.

If it wasn’t through UCLA, I don’t think I’d want it as badly.  Thing is, this a not only a great opportunity for me, but it’s also something that I’d be good at and something I’m more than qualified to do.  Really, something I want to do.  A huge part of me misses teaching.

But this limbo, this waiting…it’s killing me.  I can’t schedule client appointments because I don’t know when I’ll need to head to campus to fill out my paperwork or when I’ll need to attend a meeting with the team or my co-teacher.  Same thing with other appointments.  I guess I can just schedule them for non-teaching days, but it just feels weird and that still won’t guarantee that I’d be available for a team meeting.  I also feel weird that I was so exciting and blabbed about it to friends and well, now there’s a possibility that it might not happen this semester – but could still happen next semester.

Life in limbo is tough on a gal.  Doesn’t help that I also dropped the hubby off at the airport earlier today for his SXSW trip.  I won’t be talking to him much while he’s gone since his day will be filled recording the acoustic sessions and his nights will be filled up with his shooting the bands during performances.  I look forward to when it’s all over though since I get a few days with him before he heads back to work.  Though there is still that possibility that he may be away again without me for the Bruce show.  Ugh, who knew a potential part-time, 3-hour job could create so much indecision and change.

Either way, please think some positive thoughts and send some good mojo my way.  Totally unrelated, but still very important…I have a new briefcase to break in!!

Calling All You Manicure Lovin’ Gals

I have a question….how can I extend my manicure?

I just got them trimmed & polished for Friday (job/client interview) and I want them to still look great.  In the meantime, I still need to change up the bedding, do some dishes (at least twice), wash my hair (at least once), have much, much typing to do and who knows what else?

Typically, polish seems to peel off my nails within a couple of hours. Regardless of the brand of polish.  I think though, that since being on my thyroid meds, along with my nails being in better shape overall, they also hold onto polish longer.  But I’m not so sure since I usually bring my own Sticky to use as a basecoat (it helps).

Thing is, the gal forgot on my right hand and only got my left.   I need this to last until at least Friday evening…then I don’t care.

So I ask you…what do I do? Do I just need to wear rubber gloves while near water and avoid all typing or manual labor until post-meeting?
Update: never mind, the polish is already peeling – no showers, no dishwashing, just basic day to day living *sigh*

Trying My Hand at Working at the Local Coffeeshop

All the cool kids are doing it so I thought I’d give it a try.  It’s a lot harder than you might think.  I actually found the coffeeshop that I’d like to work out of – beautiful location, nice inside and out, shopping nearby (hey, it helps), friendly people, not too crowded.  Of course, their internet was down and thus useless to me.  Then I headed over to Chipotle to pick up lunch and figured I’d get online after that.  Nope.  Again, the internet is down.

So now I’m sitting outside at one of the lovely Starbucks sitting on their gorgoeous covered patio.  Of course, there’s also 8 other tables of talking, smoking people.  But hey, no worries, I have my earbuds and some iTunes radio to get me through.  And a nearby outlet. Total score.

I’m thinking that I might like to try this at least once a week now.  One of my online friends says that she actually wrote her first book at a local coffeeshop.  And hey, I’ve got a book that I want to work on, so why not, right?

I will ask that you ignore any typos (like they’re not something you typically encounter here in my blog – ha!).  I can’t see the red squiggle out here in the sun, so if it’s not totally obvoius, I’m missing it.

This guy is out here with his dog and it’s quite funny, the dog pretty much has the run of the patio.  He’s super friendly and isn’t begging.  Instead, he’s planted himself next to a family with a pre-schooler hoping he’ll clean up.  Too cute.

I spent the entire weekend locked up inside the apartment sick.  Luckily it never really turned into anything.   I pretty much just spend the weekend either sleeping or glued to the TV.  I have to say my husband is awesome at taking care of me.  He even headed out to Jerry’s Deli to pick me up some of their awesome chicken noodle soup.

The perks of being sick: you get to sleep all you want without judgment, you don’t have to cook, the hubs takes good care of you, you don’t have to wash dishes or clean anything.  The cons of being sick: no one picks up or cleans, you eventually have to do those dishes and wash those germ-infested sheets, you get really behind on work.

But hey, it’s a new day!  And on top of that, it’s a BEAUTIFUL day.  It says it’s only 59 here, but if feels much warmer than that.  Either way, I’m not complaining.

I feel like it’s been forever and that I have so much to write about, but I’m thinking that I’ll just have to leave all that for a randomness kind of post later in the week.  Until then, I think it’s time to head back home.  As nice as it is here on this patio, all the cigarette smoke (and background noise) is getting to me already.  I’d feel a bit better about my first foray into life at the other office if my first office choice had been available.  I just might have to give this another try later in the week.

Hope you’re having an awesome Tuesday as well.



I’ve noticed that when I seem to have a lot going on (or when I seem to be under some sort of pressure or stress), that I clench my jaw.  Usually at some point notice and force myself to relax my jaw, but by then it’s usually too late anyway.  And yes, I’ve noticed that I’m clenching again.  But hey, at least my eyes aren’t twitching this time around 😉

I’m on the verge of moving forward into a new business, so to speak.  I’m only in the research, let’s talk about it phase, but I’m quite excited.  Part of what makes me so excited (and probably has to do with the stress as well) is that this will essentially be my first business venture that isn’t accidental.  Meaning, it’s the first business venture that I’ll be starting willingly, and properly and won’t just be riding the waves of what comes my way after being in the right place at the right time, like before.  So yes, pretty exciting.

How does stress or pressure seem to present itself to you?  What’s your favorite activity (or lack of activity) to help to alleviate the seeming stress? I’m thinking this week – crazy busy that it is – might be the perfect time for a pedicure break.

What Have You Done?

I’ve stolen this post from Miss Attitude who in turn stole it from Jen, the Goddess of Zen.  I thought it looked like fun.

This one is simple… the items in BOLD I have accomplished; the items in italics are still on the list. The ones that I’ve crossed out…well, no way, no how, not in my lifetime.

1. Started your own blog – more like 4 or 5, but sure
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band – I’m counting this though it was really an orchestra
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower – something I really miss about NM, the shooting stars
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland – a couple of times
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo – karaoke and back in school a time or two
11. Bungee Jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty – it wasn’t open to the public when we were there
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France — skipped the Louvre when we were in Paris
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitchhiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb – hell if I know, I don’t remember much about my childhood, but we spent many summers on my cousin’s farm
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice – and have the photos to prove it!
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run – does it count if you’re playing with your 4th grade students?
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors – just realized that since I’m part Irish that I can actually mark this one as done!
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing – have a slight fear of heights, not the height itself, but the up and down part
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant – no, but I’ve paid for the car behind me at toll booths more times than I can recall
44. Visited Africa – no desire to
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance – rode with one of my students
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris – we ran out of time, but I did see it up close and personal
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling – love snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie – seriously?
56. Visited the Great Wall of China – no real desire
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia – not really on my list of places to visit
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching – have seen whales while watching for them, but not yet on a whale watching cruise
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving – would really like to, but I’ve got a messed up back and I’m afraid a landing might make it worse
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check – hello?  I call that period in my life “grad school”
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar – at my brother’s wedding (her family is Russian)
72. Pieced a quilt – no thanks
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone – an elbow is a bone, right?
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book – plan to start working on it this year
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem – not on my list of places to go
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible – uh, no thanks, though I have tried
86. Visited the White House – not inside
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating – but I’ve eaten quite a few freshly prepared animals on my cousin’s farm (PS – I don’t like my chicken when you can still see part of feathers)
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life – drowning kids count, right?
90. Sat on a jury – no, but I’ve been to jury duty often enough
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a law suit Class action lawsuit against a former employer – no, but I did report him to the IRS!
98. Owned a cell phone – yeah, um…okay
99. Been stung by a bee
100. Read an entire book in one day – quite a few to be honest

I Feel Zitty, Oh So Zitty

Originally uploaded by headexplodie

Well, the visit to the new dermatologist went off without a hitch. I don’t know why I was ever even worried. She answered any questions I had, assured me that none of my moles are anything to worry about and didn’t try to pitch any specialized product. But of course, now that I’ve long left the dermatologist, with no changes in my meds, mind you, and I’m breaking out.

What the hell?!?!? You’d think that knocking on the door of 40 would leave me safe from breakouts. More importantly, you’d think that taking prescriptions specifically FOR breakouts would stop me from having breakouts. Apparently, I’m wrong.

So now I’m doing what I can to make sure I don’t mess with things and make it all worse. You have no idea just how challenging that can be. I also have to make sure that I don’t mess things up to the point that I can’t conceal with make up considering I have a business event tomorrow night. Wish me luck with that.

So what about you…do you still break out as an adult? Does it annoy you anywhere near as much as it annoys me?

What Products Do You Love?

Pretty Flowers in Old Town
Image by ME! via Flickr

Every once and a while, I post one of my “Things I’m Loving Now” sort of posts. I don’t know about you, but I love sharing products that I love.  And just as much, if not more, I love hearing about what other people love – this must also have something to do with my love of holiday shopping guides…I’ll admit it, I’m a bit of a voyeur and love hearing about new things.

Right now, I’m working on a few things now we’re I’m contacting different vendors and companies for product and sponsorship (you have registered for the many contests, right?), and it got me thinking that maybe you, my loyal readers (even you, my lovely lurkers!) could help me come up with some new, or maybe something I haven’t yet thought of, products and companies to reach out to.

So I ask…what products do you use in and out of your home and office that you just love?  What can’t you live without?  What are you always recommending to friends and family? It can be foodstuffs, cleaning products, health and beauty products, computer programs or tools, services, you name it.

To tempt you to reply with as many cool things as possible, I’ll pick one person at random and give away a $10 Starbucks card and a secret, surprise (and more than likely unclaimed) item that I have here at the house – and trust me, there’s plenty of goodies hanging around this apartment that I had planned to eventually use for a CC contest, but haven’t gotten around to it yet — to say nothing of the many unclaimed prizes.

RULES: You may enter as many times as you wish and you’ll score entries as outlined below:

  • I’ll give you one entry for every comment with at least 3 products listed
  • I’ll give you one more entry if you tweet this (be sure to leave the tweet link in a comment)
  • And one more entry if you repost (leave the repost link in a comment)
  • This will remain open until next Friday, 2/27 (midnight, PST)

Thanks in advance for ALL your help!

Trying Out a New Derm

A Facial mask.
Image via Wikipedia

I have an appointment with a new dermatologist tomorrow and I seem to be a little afraid. I won’t say that I loved my old derm, but he was good. Best of all, he didn’t do cosmetic stuff, so I was never pitched to or encouraged to try a super expensive line of product. In fact, he recommended that I just wash with Cetaphil or Purpose and skip moisturizer all together (all while using my Duac and Retin A to combat the stupid adult acne I’ve dealt with since my 20’s).

This will also be my first female dermatologist. Knowing that I’m *this* close to 40 and living in LA I’m sure I’ll hear all about lasers, botox and peels. And while I wouldn’t mind a facial, I just don’t think I’m up for the “you could look younger” pitch.

Funny enough, I have an age spot on my face, on my right cheek that my primary doctor has been wanting my derm to get rid of. My now former derm had no problems with it (I think he dealt mostly with older patients dealing with skin cancer more than acne sort of issues – I often felt like the youngest patient in his waiting room). I have a feeling, this derm might see my little hyperpigmentation spot differently. Well, I guess if it’s covered by insurance, I’m okay with it.

But really, I’m just going because I recently had a mole on my left arm that turned red and itchy for a week or so (and of course is now fine) and I figured that maybe a doctor should look at it. So basically, it’s time for my second skin mapping. Growing up super fair skinned with a pool in the backyard has not left me unmarked. Mind you, it only took me until I was about 18 or so to realize that I would never tan like my brother, father or grandmother…I’m just not made that way. I do freckle quite well…that’s almost like a tan, right?

So what about you…are you a slave to the sunscreen? Do you have a particular skincare line that you love? Have you had any moles checked out? Or am I just getting older *sigh*

ETA: Crap!!! I just accidentally posted this post in my biz blog.  That’s not cool, not cool at all.

I’m Getting Things Done Today

Not that you need a day by day update, but I have been busy today.  Headed out to the crazy inexpensive fruit & veggie store, then headed out to the grocery store after that.  I talked with folks about upcoming contest promotions – my February is lined up and it’s time to work on March.  I worked on my friend’s blog and tried to figure out her mysterious RSS issues. I made a mailing list for all the prizing I need to ship out this week (dreading the packaging and shipping, but oh well).  Contacted a friend regarding her upcoming Valentine teleseminar for those still nursing a broken heart.  And I also designed my site’s newsletter using DreamWeaver – never used it before.

Not too shabby if you ask me (especially since so much of it require staying glued to the computer).  Now if I could only figure out those seemingly annoying glitches in Quickbooks, I’d be thrilled.

Otherwise, not much to say here.
