Category Archives: merriment

It’s Official…It’s May

It’s amazing to me how much of the year has gone by already. I mean, really, it’s May! For us, May pretty much starts the summer season. Concert season begins and vacations happens. Our anniversary starts it all off on May 1st and in my husband’s family, it’s officially the start of the birthday season (mine is in mere days)!

But there’s still so much more May madness…A few weeks ago I posted about my friend’s YouTube video trailer for their Fun With War Crimes series. Well, it’s officially launched and ready for your viewing. Enjoy!

And now, now I must go find some allergy medicine as I seem to feel like my nose is about to explode off my face from the damn tickling. And the eyes, the burning, the watering. Man, allergy season sucks. I guess it’s May afterall.

We’re pretty booked with concerts and dinners this weekend, so I probably won’t be around much. Wishing you all a Happy Weekend!

F*ck a Duck!

My girlfriend just sent me a series of emails while I was out regarding an October women’s retreat that we wanted to do. It’s in Ashville, NC and absolutely beautiful out there any time of the year.  We were so excited.  And I’d actually, finally, get to visit the Biltmore!

First we wanted March, but realized it was too soon for us to make the arrangements.  Then we settled on June until I remembered my friend’s wedding and realized it was the same weekend.  So lastly, October was our target.  It took some work on her part to talk her husband into watching the boys – especially with it being so close to their anniversary.

She decided that we should pay for it now to secure our spot (and so she wouldn’t spend her bonus money on something else).  So we agreed to get online and do just that.  Then I headed out to Trader Joe’s…and come home to six emails from her.  The last one…”well damn!”

Turns out the October retreat is booked.  Mind you, there are still spots in the June session (of course!).  So now we’re both bummed that we don’t get to do the whole female bonding in the woods with massage, meditation and song thing.  Needless to say, we will be following Ms. Christine Kane very, very closely for her posting of the ’09 retreat schedule (thanks to my handy, dandy Reader!)

And now, I must finally start working on tomorrow’s workshop presentation!  Back to work for me!

Sometimes Music Videos are Still Good

Even on a slow day, I can have a three-way. I’m so much cooler online…

I’ll listen to pretty much any kind of music. I’m not a fan of hardcore rap or of funkadelic jazz (no matter how many times I see Herbie Hancock live), but otherwise, I’m not too picky. I love 80’s new wave – what can I say, music was fun back then. Day to day (well, first and foremost, LA radio sucks worse than any market I’ve lived in before) I listen to mellow, singer songwriter stuff or country. Considering we don’t have an AAA station out here, that pretty much rules out listening to the singer songwriter, cafe kind of stuff. So country it is.

The other fun thing about country, they still do real videos and actually have channels that play them! Which of course means that those guys now how to have fun with videos like back in the day (man, sometimes I sound old). The latest video that’s cracking me up is Brad Paisley’s Online. It’s got a great all star cast and completely matches the humor in the lyrics. William Shatner cracks me up – is that blond Marcia Brady??

Check it out (sorry it can’t be embeded, it’s put up directly by BP’s people).

Fun With War Crimes

My friend’s boyfriend has been hard at work creating a video series.  Help it go viral – rate it and favorite it.  Check out their trailer…

Here’s what he has to say about the series…

I’ve created a comedy web series that puts the Bush Administration on trial. It’s called “Fun With War Crimes.” You can view the first trailer for the series on YouTube. I think you will like it…

Fun With War Crimes Trailer

(Or just have people do a search on YouTube for Fun With War Crimes.)

If you’re a YouTube subscriber, rate the video, comment, make it a favorite.

The series launches on May 1st, the 5th anniversary of Bush declaring “Mission Accomplished” in Iraq. We at FWWC are reaching out to like minded people. So pass the link on to as many people as you can, and ask them to do the same. If we do our viral job right, by tomorrow, I will be in an orange jump suit in Guantanamo Bay.

But if you don’t like the trailer. If you think it makes me unpatriotic, a bad American. Please, pass the link on to everyone you think will despise it, too. We’ll take the hate views. (Does anybody know how to get a hold of Bill O’Reilly?)

Other places of Fun With War Crimes interest:

YouTube Subscribers: subscribe to the 8 part series

Our site: (A teaser page. Our full site launches with the series May 1.)


Thanks! And enjoy the trailer.

What Do You Wear to Concerts?

I’m sitting here putting the finishing touches on my concert-going outfit before I head out to pick up the hubster at work.  By the way, it turns out there is such a thing as too much Child perfume *yikes*  So as I’m sitting her in my too big jeans,  cuteish black tee and old sneakers, I got to wondering what other people wear.  And I rarely bring a purse, just my ID in case I want a drink, and some cash.  Oh and my glasses and ear plugs (man, getting old sucks!)

I’ve learned the hard way to shoot for comfort.  Too many times I’ve worn the wrong shoes and have paid the price.  Hell, half the time it’s about a mile or so hike just from the parking lot – hence the sneaks.  I also typically wear something that I won’t care about if someone spills beer on – hence the old (too big) jeans and the simple tee.

But have you ever noticed that sometimes folks seem to go all out for concerts?  They’ve got on the perfect jeans with their teeter-tottering heels, that adorable, yet pricey top and that jumbo, monster-sized, uber-trendy purse..  Or maybe that’s just the SoCal market – LA and Orange County are like two totally different places on the fashion scale.

So before I head out the door to grab the hubs, I’m curious, what do you where to concerts?

I’m Here. I’m Here at Last

Let’s start by saying wowza, I feel better!!  I’m not totally 100% better, but I’m nearly there.  Yesterday was the first time in a looong time that I didn’t need a mid-day nap.  And woohoo upon woohoo, I also didn’t need the vaporizer.  Oh, the best part, the hubster and I “caught up” on some lost time *wink wink* So yes, it’s been a smashing weekend overall here at the LA Blogger Gal household!

While out sick I’ve managed to finally get caught up a bit on my LWL workload.  I’ve got all my confirmed RSVPs for next Tuesday’s blogging workshop and I’m just ready to go.  So now I think I’m going to focus on learning how to lead some paid workshops (and contact those realtors).  Well, that and get started writing up my social networking workshop for later in the month.

Some randomness:

  • sometimes lean cuisine just sucks ass.  ‘Nuff said.
  • I managed to get our taxes into the accountant with plenty of time to spare only to have it sit in his office waiting for me to pick it up (my fault) and yep, now the biz taxes are late…that’ll cost us *sigh*
  • looks like we might be going to Ireland in November!!!  Herbie will be out there on tour and our friend has invited us along thinking it would be cool.  And boy howdy would it be cool!  I’d even be more than willing to call it “Christmas” and skip any and all gifts – Ireland would be more than enough.
  • Doing that crazy blog party, I was lucky enough to win a book from Robin Bielman’s blog – There Goes the Bride by Lori Wilde.  Let me just say, after months of reading business books, chick lit and the more highbrow literature-y books (damn that book club) it was a very welcomed escape. A very light and fun read.
  • And speaking of winning, I won a beautiful turquoise pendant the other day from Hostess with the Mostess.  Pretty cool if you ask me!

And now, I’m going to pick my way around the chicken in my lame-o lean cuisine and finish getting ready for the LWL incubator gals and happy hour in Venice.  All while being serenaded by guitar strumming husband.  I really is a smashing weekend I tell ya!

BlogHer ’08 I’m SO There!!


Well, I did it!  I registered!  Looks like I’ll be spending some quality time in San Francisco hanging out with the some of my favorite bloggers.  Cool thing too since I have on my 101 in 1001 list to meet more bloggers in person.  I’m really quite excited.

Now I just need to:

1) ditch this damn sinus infection…again!! (yes, the hubs handed off his SXSW cold and it morphed *sigh*) Hopefully I can have it gone by then – I jest, considering it damn well best be gone within the next week once I get myself back on some meds.

2) Figure out if I want to find a roomie (someone I won’t know in person or necessarily even by blog) or if I want to go it alone in the privacy of my own room.  Going it alone won’t be so bad I’m sure, but I’m always open to sharing my space as well.  We’ll see.

But woohoo!!  I’m going to BlogHer baby!

Lookee Lookee What I Got!!!


The faire Ivanhoe handed this to me today! How cool is that?!? Of course I’d like to thank my darling husband, my adorable and feckless two boys, my many bloggie friends, both new and old and of course, life itself for making me the person that I am and giving me the willingness to tell anyone that will listen what’s on my mind. And thank you readers for following right along – feel free to comment from time to time if the mood strikes you 😉

And don’t forget to check out Ivanhoe’s blog. She’s from Prague and now living here in the states. How neat is that??

The Rules: By accepting this Excellent Blog Award, you agree to award it to 10 more people whose blogs you find Excellent Award worthy. You can give it to as many people as you want but please award at least 10. You deserve this! Feel free to award people who have already been awarded.

I humbly and graciously pass along this E for Excellence to the following:

  • Ampersander Bound – she’s a fellow LWLer, a great photographer and is currently keeping me enthralled with her NaBloPoMo March lists.
  • Beyond the Map – her writing will touch your heart its that potent and insightful.
  • Geggie over at So…What Else, What Else, What Else? – hang round this chick long enough and you too will fall head over heels in love with Burts Bees.  And man, her cooking and the way she experiences dining out makes me want to buy her dinner!
  • Sizzle Says – she’s got a great outlook on life and well, let’s face it, who wouldn’t want her as their landlord?
  • Tears in My Coffee – she’s moving on in her life and nearly ready to leave point A for point B.  She’s got some exciting times ahead of her.

I’m going to stop at five (yeah, yeah, I know it says 10).  Most of the blogs I read lately are more business focused, so I don’t want to pass out this award to all of the non-biz blogs I read at once.  I’d like to savor it and share the wealth a bit at a time.  Plus, I’d actually like you guys to stop by and visit with these gals a bit.  They really are some cool chicks.  So I’ll add my next five sometime down the road…when you least expect it! 😉