Category Archives: shopping

Why Do We Wear Belts? And Other Random Thoughts

I bought one for the first time last week.  My girlfriend kept giving me a hard time for my (brand new) jeans being too big and my always pulling them up.  So I figured what the hell, I’ll buy a belt.  Um…why?  I mean I love that my jeans now stay up and joy of joy, they don’t drag on the floor any more.  But what’s the point if my belt keeps riding above the loops of the jeans and sticks to me?  I’ve already loosened it as much as I can.  Any looser and well, no need for the belt.  I just don’t really get it, but oh well.


Onto the next topic…crazies on the road!  No really, each time I went out today, some crazy driver did something stupid or totally inconsiderate.

At the farmer’s market, all these big SUVs that barely missed scrapting the ceiling of the parking garages would crawl like a snail through the garage, taking forever.  The would inch over the speed bumps, hanging out their windows hoping they won’t scrape the ceiling.  Maybe they shouldn’t park in parking garages then.  And when I finally did manage to find a parking space, I have to pass it by since some SUV took up all of their space and some of the space next to them to park their monstrosity so it’s not like I could park after all.

At the grocery store, same weirdness.  First, some kid on a bike, talking on a cell phone total whizzes by completely disregarding the 4-way stops that the we all have to stop for.  So you go to make your turn, at your turn, only to have this kid, not paying attention, yammering away on the phone, blow by so you have to slam on your breaks.

Then when it’s finally time to park, I pull into the lane, empty spaces on both sides.  The gal in front of me turns WIDE making me think that she’s going to park her itty bitty car on the right side, so I wait to park on the left side.  She starts waving for me to go around…hello, spots on both sides here, I’ve got on a blinker, either way, I wouldn’t be going around.  I motion that I’m taking the spot on the left so I can’t go around, she pulls up, then proceeds to back into the space on the left.  What?!?  Two spots, wide open on the other side, and yet she still feels the need to swing all the way, nearly into the spot only to back into a space on the left.  Whatever.  I was parked and out of my car before she even managed to finish parking.

On the way home, some chick decides not to take the turn on the yellow and sit through the red.  That’s fine, no need to risk a ticket or whatever.  But she doesn’t even pull up to the line.  She’s half a car length away.  I toot my horn and motion for her to move up so that I can make the right on red (totally legal).  Nothing.  I wait a minute and toot again.  Again, nothing.  One more toot, the passenger in the backseat turns to look at me, I motion to move up, I’m already half into the turn lane so it’s not like they don’t know what’s going on.  Again, nothing.  I give up.  Right before the light changes, she finally pulls up to the line and I pass to make my turn.  The woman is glaring at me.  What?!?

So yeah, seems like there just might be some crazy, inconsiderate people on the road today. Don’t even get me started on our wacky neighbors and how little they understand the basics of street parking.


And today’s much happier and final topic…I found workshop space!  I kept telling myself that since things with LWL took off so quickly and without my thought behind the process (it’s all about timing), that I was going to spend the month of May figuring how to get more business.  In particular, how to find the right space to teach workshops.  Well, I seem to have lucked out yesterday and found a whole slew of affordable (and local) spaces.  Can’t wait!  Things are really beginning to take off and I’m loving that feeling.

Must Blog. No Energy.

I had a blogging presentation with a group of Beverly Hills mom-prenueurs (and you know how I hate that term!). Overall, things went quite well. I also noticed that having a pricing chart made things much easier since the ladies where able to see what the different packages entail when it comes to beginner blogging. Nice.

Then I started feeling the twitches of a migraine trying to work it’s way through. I crashed for an hour thinking it might help, but I still feel it niggling about. Hopefully some food will help.

Remember a while back I briefly mentioned some varmints in our ceiling or floor in the (what would be the) dining room? Well, that’s actually what woke me from my nap. Turns out now they’re scratching away at the wall in our bedroom. I guess I need to let the landlords know.

Okay, off now to find food. Return one of the shirts I bought for the hubster. Find an affordable & cute black patent purse (dammit!) for the wedding in June. Track down some pretty petal shoe-thingies. Don’t be surprised if I come home with some new makeup. I’m just in that sort of mood!  Tift Merrit show at the Troubador tonight.  Woohoo!

I’m a Prisoner in My Own Home!

I hate this waiting.  Just sitting here, not able to leave.  Why?  Well, because I’m expecting a wine shipment.  Knowing my luck, if I leave, I’ll miss the UPS guy and then I’ll just have to wait around yet another day.  Interestingly, my UPS guy is normally here before noon.  And now, well, now it’s nearly 4:00PM.

I guess I should be thankful that we have something for dinner so I won’t have to run out last minute.  Of course, I’m going nuts without the milk.  I’m craving tea like crazy since I can’t have a cuppa of course.  But I can always just walk up to the corner – after the wine gets here – and pick some up.

Onto to something totally unrelated…purses.  I’m currently shuffling back and forth between three and can’t seem to make up my mind as to which one to move into already.  Of course, I really, really want a new purse (some might call it a little bit of an addiction), but I’m doing my best to not go there.  Then again, I’m having issues with just how much some purses cost these days – which is code for I’m lusting after a Cole Haan – and why is a decent patent clutch costing $7oish these days?

So how many purses do you own?  More importantly, how many purses do you actually use?  Do you buy new ones each season or each year?

Are You Near a William Sonoma Outlet?

Do any of my bloggie friends live near a William Sonoma outlet? I love their soaps and lotions. In fact, I fell so in love with their winter berry products while at a friend’s house that this past Christmas they bought me the three-pack (lotion, soap & dish soap) for Christmas. Of course, I fell in love with it the year before and had already purchased it as soon as I had gotten home that year.

Since then, I’ve purchased their jasmine-scented soap and lotion for my non-winter seasons. I’ve fallen so in love with with this line that I’ve purchased it for others for gifts. Wouldn’t you know it, they discontinued this original product line, changed up the scents and redesigned the bottles.

Now I can’t seem to find the jasmine dish soap anywhere. It’s not on clearance in their catalog or in the stores. In fact, I can’t even find the jasmine one on ebay. Being the desperate (and some might say a bit OCD) I stopped by the store today to ask about it. Turns out all the merchandise has been sent to the outlet stores.

Thing is, we don’t have an outlet near us (though I do know there’s one on the way to Vegas at State Line) and I don’t have any plans of traveling near one any time soon. So I’m wondering, if any of my bloggie friends live near a William Sonoma Outlet, I’d be more than willing to compensate you for your troubles if you wouldn’t mind picking me up a couple of the dishsoaps (or one dish soap and one refill).

Could I be so lucky? Anyone?

Can Chumby Be My New Best Friend?

Is It Wrong that I Want This? Because if it is, just let me be wrong! I mean this is every techie’s dream gadget. It’s an alarm clock. It plays music (either through MP3s or through the internet). It works as a picture frame in conjunction with my Flickr account. It can give me the weather, track my ebay auctions, give me the new, tell me jokes, let me watch the Food Network, you name it! It can even let me receive email while in bed.

I mean, what more can you ask for?  “You can use a chumby anywhere there’s a power outlet and wi-fi coverage. Whether a chumby’s on your nightstand, bathroom counter, coffee table, in the kitchen, or out on the patio, it keeps you connected to your “Internet life” all the time!” What’s wrong with wanting to stay connected 24/7???  I don’t have a problem with that.

Really though, I think I wants me a Chumby. Think I can convince the hubby to spend nearly $200 on this, well, much needed, bedside wi-fi thing for my birthday in May? Probably not. He’ll just tell me to bring my laptop to bed (yes, he does this and yes, I know it’s just sick, sick, sick – but at least I don’t allow a TV in the bedroom). Until then, I can still covet.

I Wish I’d Ventured Out Today

But more to the point, I wish my shopping partners-in-crime were around (the hubby is not a fan of shopping or browsing or hell, just stepping foot anywhere near a store or mall).  Today was one of those beautiful LA days, warm, blue skies and sunny – you know, very un-Christmas-like.  And maybe because of all of this, it turns out our local outdoor shopping venues were all dead.  Little did I know that this would have been the perfect time to kidnap the hubby and just stroll around and admire the holiday decorations and general fa la la-ery.

I’ve heard locals talk about the empty and peaceful time where the streets are devoid of darn near anyone, but I thought it was just a myth.  Turns out this only happens once a year, starting the weekend prior to Christmas.  In the actual city of LA. Rumor has it, once Christmas is over, they all come back and the madness continues full force.  Over here on our side of the hill, you know the Valley, you don’t notice this as much.

Our grocery stores are (and were) insane, even today.  And don’t even get me started about the insanity that is Costco.  Thankfully, I was able to hop on in, pick up our photos and get back to the my hubby in the car – he didn’t even make it past the main road by the time I came out.  Too bad we have to go back again tomorrow since he accidently printed the wrong family photo.  Heck, even our local K-Mart ended up on the news for the lines of last minute shoppers.

I’d drag the hubby out to the Grove tomorrow night, but wouldn’t you just know it, there’s no snow (bubbles) scheduled for tomorrow.  Talk about bah humbuggin’.

Happy Holidays!!

Don’t Do It!!! Don’t Go Out There!

I just got back from running a few last minute Christmas errands and great balls of Santa! Do not go out there! Everything, even the grocery store is a crazy mess. There are lines of cars just trying to enter the shopping centers! People are cutting each other off and not saying thank you (and you just know how that irks me!). They’re bumping into you and pushing and shoving, and well, downright rude. It’s mid-day, mid-week people – what the hell?!?

Luckily my first stop was at a small, local shoe repair and luggage shop – new luggage for the pre-teen nieces. That only left my nephew so I headed over to Tilly’s. Of course I had a helluva time just getting anywhere near Tilly’s. I finally found parking and headed in to find yep, you guessed it, a line. Not just any line mind you, but a long line with people with their arms full. Slow moving lines. Which of course meant a gift card. Which is fine since we got the HIM CD the other day so we’ll just hand it off to him and he’ll be fine.

So now, I am officially finished. This of course is great news since I’m not sure how much more abuse my credit card can take (stupid Amex is still acting up so we’re not using it while it sorts itself out). Tomorrow I’ll wrap and maybe take a photo or two and whooorah! I’m done.

Mind you, I haven’t yet heard from any of the in-laws as to which house we’ll be meeting at or how we’re divvying up the food prep. No worries for us though, I’ve got at least our Christmas morning taken care of – eggs, sausage & cinnamon bun-like strips. Just the right amount of protein and sweet 😀

I was still hoping to pick up a decanter for this awesome bottle of wine that our friend gave us so we could enjoy it either Christmas Eve or Christmas night, but I’m not about to deal with parking at the local mall or strip mall just for that. We have a bottle of prosceco we can enjoy instead 😉

So consider yourself warned & stay away, far away from any store, mall or strip! You can thank me later!

Next up…Wordless (or Not-So-Wordless) Wednesday – it may take a while to get them out of my camera, uploaded and published, but I assure you, it’ll be soon-ish.

Christmas Comes Early to the Kit Kat Lounge

Well, I’ve gotten a couple Open Me Now sort of Christmas gifts and thought I’d just rave about them…

Philosophy’s Home for the Holidays – a yummy smelling three pack of Philosophy’s 3-in-1 holiday soaps: Double Rich Hot Cocoa (OMG this is divine!), Hot Apple Cider (I haven’t tried this one ye, but man does it smell good!) and Cinnamon Buns. I just love their product packaging…hello, it comes with recipes right there on the bottle! Having never tried any of their 3-in-1 products before I have to say, it’s some impressive and sudsy stuff. The scent lasted throughout the day as well, though very, very subtle.

Jo Malone Perfume – I’ve been eyeing a perfume or five from Jo Malone for the past year. I fell in love with her Orange Blossom but just couldn’t bring myself to pay the price (since I work from home and don’t use perfume all that much). Then again, I wasn’t totally sure I would be happy with Orange Blossom (indecisive, I know). Well, my friend decided to get me not only the Orange Blossom, but also the Jasmine and Mint (great holiday promo). OMG, divine! Both sell great alone, but smell even more amazing when combined. Wow! Now I’m thinking I might just need to splurge and buy the Wild Fig & Cassis. And well, maybe some shower gel and body lotion too. Uh oh…I feel an addiction coming on…a very, very expensive addiction I fear.

Enstrom’s Almond Toffee – Oh.My.God! Holy Hell, this is the best toffee I think I have ever had! It was a gift from Herbie and his wife for working with them this past year. Who knew it would be so incredible considering I’m not a fan of toffee. I mean this stuff is so good, you need to lock it up! Yes, I think I’ve eaten a huge chunk of the box and it only arrived two hours ago. How embarrassing, I know. But really, it’s THAT good!

Oh Crap!

It’s officially tomorrow today and I forgot to post earlier today yesterday. Good news, I did go shopping! And I did purchase a couple Christmas gifts.

Can you believe that there are only a few more days left of NaBloPoMo???

Oh You, Bristol Farms!

Hello, my name is Kat and I am an impulse shopper.  When I was younger, and first on my own with my first real salary, Target was my weakness.  I wasn’t able to walk out of that store for under $100.  Yes, you read that correctly!  And sadly, there was a Target right around the corner from my apartment complex.  As a teacher, I worked extra over the summer just to pay down my credit cards that I ran up (mostly at Target) during the rest of the school year.

Nowadays, expensive grocery stores like Bristol Farms and Whole Foods suck me in.  That damn Bristol Farms got to me once before, but this time, this time I was gong to show them who was in charge.  All I wanted was a orange cranberry muffin.  Believe it or not, I drove 20 minutes just to get this damn muffin (well, that and because I’ve got the hubby’s car with new brakes and we can’t switch back until we put 200 miles on the brakes).

Of course, I just had to enter through the gift shop area.   It’s not like I parked that way, or like it was anywhere near the check out, but still.  Needless to say, I think in my brain I did holiday shopping for everyone!  Like I really need that Mrs. Meyers dishsoap set – well it might make a great gift.  Ha!  Actually, I was able to walk out of there without anything but a Women’s Day magazine (honestly, I don’t even read that magazine, but I just had to have it for some odd reason).

I also managed to walk right past the coffee, the teas and the chocolates. Of course, I couldn’t stop tasting the cheese – they had the most delicious gouda out.  But alas, I did not purchase any cheese!  I did, on the other hand purchase some mediocre chicken noodle soup (seriously, I expected so much more), my muffin, a muffin for the hubby, a diet coke because I was thirsty, yet another magazine at the cash register (damn that Martha Stewart and her tasty looking pot pie!) and a roll for dinner.

The damage…$23.  Not so bad this time. But not good either considering it was only six items.  But man, there’s a reason I stay away from that place.