Category Archives: life

The Rarely Talked About Side Effect of Blogging

When I first started blogging, I never really gave much thought to the fact that people would be reading my thoughts. During this time, I was already keeping an online journal where I did have people reading my thoughts. And as you would expect, you write differently for both situations.

When I got started, I didn’t even let anyone outside of my husband (who I believe doesn’t bother to read anything I write – though for all I know, I could be wrong) know that I was blogging.

So of course, as time went on, my readership increased. As my readership increased, I felt more comfortable letting others know about it. I went so far as to tell my friends to add me to their Reader or to subscribe to my blog emails.

And now, as goofy as it sounds, I kinda, almost, sorta, but not exactly, regret that move.

In many ways I feel like my privacy has been invaded. Well, not really, I mean, I am inviting the world and all her friends over to read what I write. I sometimes feel like I can’t share what’s going on in my life because it either involves my friends, or people that specifically know me or my friends.

You know, I seem to have lost that sense of anonymity.

Sometimes I have things that are going on in my life that I’d love to write about and share. But I’m always afraid that my friends will either recognize themselves (or just assume I’m talking about them whether I am or not) or they’ll be bothered that I’m writing about them at all.

The tough thing though, is that when you share your life for so long (over 6 years now, give or take) that it’s not easy having to having to censor my sharing like that. It’s almost like not being able to talk with closest friend about something that’s personal and just need to share.

Has anyone else felt this way about blogging and their loss of anonymity? I mean, how does Dooce do it?

Update: 101 in 1001

normal_barbedOkay, I just took a peek at my 101 in 1001 list and well, things aren’t looking too good.

I do believe that my time limit will end this year (should add figuring out exactly when to the damn list) and well, I still have quite a few things on there that haven’t been done. Not only have they not been done, but they might even be out of my control to get done.

Which is kind of interesting and makes me question to process a bit.

I mean, it’s not like a bucket list, yet some of the items on the list are things that might take a while.  Yet it’s more complex than just being a shopping or a to do list.  If it was that simple, I’d have (hopefully) been done that first month.

If I don’t complete everything on the list within the 1001 day time period, does that mean I’ve failed?

When I look back over the past couple of years, I realized that I’ve accomplished quite a bit.  In some ways, many would say that I’ve accomplished quite an impressive list of things.

They weren’t goals that I’d set for myself.  They were things that I just went and did.  Things that life presented to me all wrapped up in a pretty bow.  So it’s not like it’s something that I could cross of my list.

Then there were those things that changed – you, best laid plans and all that.  I’d planned for our first trip to Europe to be to visit my friend in Spain.  Instead, she came back stateside and visited us in Sonoma and we headed out to Ireland instead.  The knitting thing…yeah, I think until I get some central AC, I won’t be spending any time soon learning to knit as much as I might think I want to.

And what about those things that I did get to…like cleaning off my desk and cleaning out the fridge, only to have them look like a heap o’mess again?  Does that mean I can’t cross it off my list as done? There are also those things that I think I already did, but never bothered to stop and take notice – blogging daily for 60 days? one new photo a week? I think I did them, but I’m not exactly sure.  Do I cross them off anyway?

I will say, some of the things on that list crack me up.  I mean it’s been five years and I STILL haven’t put my wedding photos in an album.  I’m going on three years and I still haven’t put up damn shelves in the bathroom (though I still HAVE them sitting under my desk).  What’s holding me back?

So yeah, not quite sure what to make of this whole 101 things in 1001 days.  Maybe I should just call it quits.  Or maybe I should just know that I won’t finish each list, but I’ll always have something to aspire to.  St. Augustine does warn us…

You aspire to great things? Begin with little ones.

I’ll Admit it, Certain TV Shows Make Me a Happy Girl

And one of those giggle-inducing shows happens to be anything by Samantha Brown over on the Travel Channel. I knew when I started seeing her billboards around town (how cute is this photo) that her new season must be coming soon.  Which is great, because to be honest, her seasons are so short that just as you start to get into them, they’re over and done with.


Now of course, we all know of my love for Sam.  I mean, not only is she adorable, but she comes across as the kind of gal you could be good friends with (according to her blog, she was just here in Santa Barbara filming an episode on my birthday – so bummed I didn’t know).  My roomie and I used to watch all of her “Great…” shows whenever we could and lament over how when we grow up, we’d love to be her.  I mean seriously, who wouldn’t want to get paid to travel the world and spend time in some of the swankiest hotels (like on her old “Great Hotels” show) or get private tours to some of World’s the most exclusive places.

Due to my love for all things Samantha Brown, I was contacted by her team* to let me know that her new series starts this weekend.  All I can say is Woohoo!  I’m glad to know she’s back.

If you happen to be a Samantha dork like me, you can follow her on Twitter or fan her up on Facebook.

And let me just say, the folks at Travel Channel totally get social media and how it works with creating community and building relationships.  More businesses could benefit from learning this skill.

* I’m telling ya, blogging and tweeting can pay of in ways you never even thought of

I Seem to Have App Envy

The question is…do they have an app for that?  I mean they have apps for everything these days. Though I am a bit confused as to why anyone would need a shaking baby app, but well, maybe I just don’t get it since I’m not a mom and all that.

But really, I am quite envious. My Blackberry is cool and all that, but it can’t split a restaurant bill quickly and easily. And it doesn’t have a fake Zippo lighter that I can whip out at concerts. Yeah, app envy.

I mentioned it to the hubs and he was kind enough to remind me that if we weren’t having a party on Saturday, then maybe I’d have myself an iPhone today. But let’s face it…birthday parties with friends…so cool!

And I don’t need an app for THAT! 😉

We Have a Party!

Or more to the point, I finally have my restaurant reserved. It will be out on this amazing patio. I’m SO excited!

I have to stop by there tonight to go over the menu and talk booze. From there I can order the cake. And then take a deep breath.


Our anniversary weekend was great. We had a lovely dinner on Friday (our actual anniversary). The food was amazing, but the ambiance was not exactly what I was expecting. Then again, I’m sure if there wasn’t a woohooing table full of gals right next to us, it probably would have been lovely.

Saturday we headed to the beach. We took the pupster out with us thinking he’d enjoy walking along the beach. We tried to find the whale park in Palos Verdes (the Interpretive Center), but between the fog and the lack of directions, we never made it there.

We did pick up some pizza slices for a showdown between the two top places in Rendondo. We took our slices out to a bench just off the strand and relaxed. It was so nice to just walk around and talk about both business and life. It was great.

Then last night, the hubby decided that he wanted to go to Palate (where we went for his birthday) to try their Prix Fixe Sunday Dinner. And of course a cheese plate! It was amazing and exactly the way to end our anniversary celebration.

Overall, it was a great weekend. And now this week I need to focus, focus, focus and get to work…

In Response to My RSVP Rant

I realize that my RSVP rant from the other day might have sounded like I was passively aggressively calling people out.  Trust me, I wasn’t.  Really, I’m just ranting about the RSVP process as a whole and all the seeming frustration its creating. The lack of any response thing is just something that I don’t get.  Again, to me it’s just rude.

And yes, I know (and stated as such) that people are busy and can’t always make plans a week in advance.  Life happens.  Shit happens.  We all have busy lives.  I do get it.  I have noticed (and others have said as much) that the lack of RSVP protocol seems to be rampant here in LA.  This is most definitely NOT something that would happen in the south.  And well, in NM, you don’t even both with invites at all (and people show up to weddings in jeans, sneakers and cowboy hats).

When it comes to party planning and RSVPs, my theory has always been that it’s better to let the person know what’s going on and to be a maybe than to be someone that is never heard from and just shows up at the last minute and throws everything for a loop. It makes the shopping and the details much easier and less of a last-minute-insanity for the planner or hostess.  Which of course is how the whole RSVP concept came about anyway when you think about it.

And of course, personally, I was (and still am) seemingly frustrated beyond belief knowing that I have yet to confirm even the choice of the restaurant because I was waiting on a head count.  And to be honest, I don’t even have a backup plan if the place I want can’t work with me on such short notice.  That’s not even counting the fact that I’ll be left running around this week to rush order a cake and drive around to get prices on the alcohol – both of which I can’t yet do because I haven’t yet confirmed the restaurant, so I don’t yet know the corkage or dessert cutting fees.

So if I offended anyone or if anyone felt that they in particular were being singled out by my sharing my thoughts and frustrations, I do apologize for that wasn’t my intent.

That said, I don’t apologize for taking the time to share my thoughts here.  It is my blog and it’s my space to say what’s on my mind. If you know me at all, you know that I’m a planner kind of gal, so this fly by the seat of my pants thing is so out of my comfort zone and drives me crazy (see anything involving family get-togethers).  Outside of family, I’m rarely left with so many unknowns when it comes to planning an event.

I’m also aware enough to know that it’s my shit.  And I’m dealing with it as best I can…by writing about it, here, in my blog knowing full well that friends will read what I write.  And more importantly, taking a risk knowing full well that some of my friends might even make assumptions that I’m writing about them.

But have no fear, the anniversery weekend celebration is coming along awesomely. And the birthday festivities will be starting days before the party commences. So I’m sure I’ll be my happy, perky, love the world self by the time Saturday rolls along and will have long forgotten this mess and all its seeming frustrations. Especially if I can find the time to sneak in some birthday spa time 😉

The Birthday Plans Continue


Things are progressing along nicely in LA Blogger Gal’s 40th Birthday Extravaganza planning. I do believe I’ve settled on a location.  With luck, we’ll be outside in this amazing garden setting, chowing down on Greek food (my fave!).  A friend of mine recommended the location from a place where she’s eaten before.  And since she’s held staff meetings there, she also knew they could accommodate groups.

I’m still not crazy about the corkage fee, but with luck, I can use this recession in my favor and negotiate her down.  Worse case, we just provide champagne instead of wine and champagne.  In turn, we’ll provide some appetizers as well.  It should be fun.

I need that headcount though so I can either order my cake (mmmm….Porto’s cakes, c’est ci bon!) or go with cupcakes (mmm…those strawberry lemonade cupcakes from Layers Cupcakes – but ohhhhh, the price).  Cupcakes totally rock, and don’t require any cutting, but man, they’re a small fortune compared to just getting a cake.  And let me just say, that Chocolate Grand Marnier sounds incredible.

And now, after poking around Porto’s website, I’m jonesin’ for a potato ball.  Guess where I’ll be going later today?

And of course in the midst of all my party planning, I was called out by and out-of-town friend that reads my blog for not inviting her.  Seems I was so focused on my local friends and getting things moving, that I didn’t get around to inviting those that I knew wouldn’t come, but would still want to be invited.  Same thing goes for the in-laws.  I still need to invite them even though I know they won’t come.

I never can really think of things that I want for my birthday (for some reason, I guess because we pick names and do lists I can for Christmas).  Then again, it doesn’t help that from the hub’s I’ll be getting my party (no other gifts there) and from my closest friend back in NM, money is tight.  So if someone where to ask me what I want, all I’d really be able to suggest is that dry cleaning/garment bag at Delight (wow, they really do need to work on their site – that “share this” post didn’t even share a link or photo, or description), a whisk, a digital frame and my new white dream purse (which is apparently others’ dream purse as well since Zappos is running low). Ooh, and I think I’d like this book…The Think Big Manifesto: Think You Can’t Change Your Life (and the World) Think Again.

Okay, off to sit down with the hubs over a bowl of oatmeal.  Love lazy Sundays.

PS – Speaking of birthday celebrations…Happy Birthday Ju-Ju Coop!

Daily Online Shopping Specials, Unique Gifts, Fashion Accessories & Home Decor –

Daily Online Shopping Specials, Unique Gifts, Fashion Accessories & Home Decor –

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Well, this was totally disappointing…it didn’t even post the photo.  Grrrr!


Take II: I so want this…

it’s a reusable, cloth garment bag to be used at the dry cleaners.  Considering I launder the hub’s shirts at the dry cleaners every other week, this would really cut down on a lot of plastic bags.

Now if Delight only had a way to create a wish list, this would so be on my list for my birthday.  Yes, it’s that darn cool!

A Little Spa Time Can Make Anyone Feel Like a Million

facialIt might be too late to do anything about it, but did you know that this week was (and well, still is until Sunday anyway) Spa Week?  The cool thing about Spa Week…$50 services.  Everything from massages to scrubs, facials to Botox, you name it. It’s a great way to try out new spas or services for small investment.  I try to take advantage of it every year.

Me, I decided to go for a facial at one of my favorite LA spas, Skin Haven over on Crescent Heights in West Hollywood.  Now, in full disclosure mode, I met the owner, Sharōn Ronen a year or so ago through the Ladies Who Launch gals.  And well, since then, she’s written a couple articles for my site.  But that doesn’t make her spa any less amazing.

So yesterday, after class, I headed over the hill for my moment of blissdom.  I was exhausted and just knew that I’d fall asleep during  the treatment, and believe or not, that’s perfectly acceptable.  Turns out I didn’t though as Sharōn and I were talking shop through the whole thing.  I was amazed to realize just how quickly time flew by.  Of course, now I’m wondering…if Sharōn works for me (so to speak) as a blogger and we were talking shop from the time I walk in the door until the time I leave, does that make this a business expense?  Me thinks so 😉

But that’s neither here or there.

If you haven’t yet been to Skin Haven, you really should check it out.  It’s very Zen and very calming.  The first time I visited, I went for the herbology treatment.  This is heaven on a table, I assure you.  Your entire body is scrubbed, buffed and massaged with herbs.  And since they use herbs, you don’t leave there greasy or oily.  I’ve been recommending this one to everyone.

This time around, my goal was to book early enough to book all three treatments – herbology scrub, massage and facial.  But time got away from me and not only could I not get around to calling to book all three, I figured I wouldn’t be able to find the time to experience all three.  So a facial it was!  I was lucky enough to get Sharōn herself and boy was I treated well.  My face still feels soft as a baby’s bottom and seems to glow from within.

Whatever you do, don’t wait until next year’s Spa Week to try experience the pleasures of Skin Haven.  If you’re a little short on cash, or need a quickie treatment to test things out, then check out their fabulous Spa Lounges on Fridays.  I mean check this deal out…For just $40 you get TWO mini-treatments PLUS free a free cocktail and nibbles. You can have a facial, a scalp massage (heavenly!), massages, reflexology, herbology treatments (my fave!) or even mini makeovers…for $40!!!  Their next Spa Lounge is Friday, April 24th, so call now to reserve your appointment.  Trust me, you won’t be sorry.

I Miss My iBook!

ibookIf you’ve been following me on Twitter than you know that on Easter Sunday my laptop died. I accidentally spilled my entire mug of tea and well, we thought I fried things.

Turned out I was luckier than I first thought and I didn’t actually drown it. But something happened to kill it.  We think the hard drive is dead.

So yesterday was spent hanging out at the Apple Genius Bar asking for help. They, in turn, passed me along to Melrose Mac where it sits now, awaiting a diagnostic exam.

With luck, it will be back in my grubby hands on Friday or Monday with a new hard drive and some extra oomph.  I’ll also be upgrading my RAM and memory while it’s in there.  I’m kind of excited to get it back with some extra power.

I have to say though, it’s rough living without it.  I guess I never realized just how much I used it. I always thought of it as my extra computer that allowed me to be online while watching TV and hanging with the hubs.  But now, the only way I can actually be online is to be in front of my computer.  No more mulitasking for me.

The good in this…I picked up quite a bit of client work this week, so I’m really able to focus on getting my work done.

And some completely unrelated fun stuff…I’ll be heading out to the Springsteen show tomorrow.  Someone at the office had an extra pair of tickets so the hubs claimed the for me and a girlfriend.  Mind you, I doubt we’ll be hanging out with him and his SuperFan friends (he’ll be one of the many attending both LA shows on this leg and whatever else comes around on the next leg), but it will be a fun show.

While I’m not the biggest Bruuuuuce fan by any means (I think I shared that a couple weeks ago in regards to the San Jose show), I do love the actual performance.  And well, the set list has been quite good as well, so I’m sure we’ll be in for a great show.

Photo Credit: izqrdo